Snoring and sleep apnea are both considered sleep disorders.
Snoring is a milder form with only a partial obstruction of the upper airway.
The more serious condition of OSA or Obstructive Sleep Apnea occurs when you completely stop breathing for ten or more seconds because of a complete blockage of the airways.
This may happen up to thirty times in a single night.
This is a serious condition which can lead to many health problems.
Please continue reading to find out if you have some of these signs of sleep apnea.
The Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
Then take the wait and see approach to see if your snoring gets better.
Although if you find that you or your spouse is still snoring loud and heavy, having restless sleep and is also sleepy during the day, you need to go see your physician.
Sleep Apnea Health Professionals There are several different health professionals who can verify your symptoms of OSA and help get you some treatment.
You can start with your family doctor or pediatrician who can than refer you to other professionals for treatment.
Other health professionals include...
Since sleep apnea is so dangerous to your health, it's important to observe the signs.
The great news is that some sleep apnea patients can see results in only one night, once they are treated.
Snoring is a milder form with only a partial obstruction of the upper airway.
The more serious condition of OSA or Obstructive Sleep Apnea occurs when you completely stop breathing for ten or more seconds because of a complete blockage of the airways.
This may happen up to thirty times in a single night.
This is a serious condition which can lead to many health problems.
Please continue reading to find out if you have some of these signs of sleep apnea.
The Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
- Restless sleeping
- Feeling tired throughout the day or evening
- Waking up and feeling tired in the morning
- Morning headaches
- Really loud and heavy snoring
- Falling asleep during unusual times like eating or talking
- A body mass index over 25
- Personality changes
- High blood pressure
- Swelling in the legs
- Frequent trips to the washroom
- Hyperactive behavior is typical in children who snore
- Loud snoring punctuated by silences and then a choking or snorting sound once you start breathing again
- While driving - limited attention, drowsy, poor judgment, memory loss
Then take the wait and see approach to see if your snoring gets better.
Although if you find that you or your spouse is still snoring loud and heavy, having restless sleep and is also sleepy during the day, you need to go see your physician.
Sleep Apnea Health Professionals There are several different health professionals who can verify your symptoms of OSA and help get you some treatment.
You can start with your family doctor or pediatrician who can than refer you to other professionals for treatment.
Other health professionals include...
- Family medicine physicians
- Pediatricians
- Physician assistants
- Nurse practitioners
- Cardiologist - If you have heart problems
- Dentists - If you need an oral breathing device
- Ear Nose and Throat Specialist - If you need surgery to correct an injury, defect or to remove excess tissue
Since sleep apnea is so dangerous to your health, it's important to observe the signs.
The great news is that some sleep apnea patients can see results in only one night, once they are treated.