Home & Garden Antiques & Arts & Crafts

You Can Start Your Handmade Jewelry Business in 2015

Here it is, the last day of 2014. Did you have a goal of starting a handmade jewelry business this year? How did you do with that?

It's not easy, real life and real JOBS get in the way of the most determined designers. So how does one start a small business with life and jobs and the like? One small step at a time.

If you still have a desire to start your handmade jewelry business but haven't yet, don't beat yourself up, consider it a dream deferred until 2015 and get a jump start on it now.


Here is a round up of lots of business articles from the Jewelry Making site that will help you get started. 

Get a notebook and pen, you'll be wanting to start planning as you read. 

Oh! And even if you did start your jewelry business in 2014 there are bound to be tips and tricks in these articles to help you refine your business and add to your bottom line. 


How do you know if NOW is the time? How do you know if starting your handmade jewelry business is something you really want to do? Or are cut out for? Check out Launching Your Handmade Jewelry Business. Learn how to set up your workspace, your paperwork and your time. 

What’s Your Excuse for Not Starting Your Handmade Jewelry Business? What kept you from starting your small business last year? Look at the excuses you made and see if you are still using them. No matter what your excuse is, this just might be the pep talk you need to take the first step.

10 Tips for Saving Money in Your Jewelry Making Business - You know the saying, "It takes money to make money." In some cases it is true but you can also run a small business without breaking the bank.

This article shared 10 ways you can cut costs and still run your business. And all of the ideas are do-able. No peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day for a year necessary. 

A business plan may see like an overwhelming and odious task for a small business but every business needs one. Read Why Your Handmade Jewelry Business Needs a Business Plan which shares step by step instructions for coming up with your own business plan. 

One thing that many new jewelry designers have in common is that they have tried several different types of jewelry making and have a wide variety of types and styles of jewelry on hand. How do you hone in on your style? How do you figure out what your ideal customers might like? Using Polyvore in Your Handmade Jewelry BusinessUse Pinterest to Refine Your Style and even this article on Trend Spotting are sure to help you zero in on what you want to make and what your customers would like to buy. 

The next big hurdle for many people who have started a business is knowing what to do once the original excitement has passed. Finding Balance in Your Handmade Jewelry Business and Being Consistent in Your Handmade Jewelry Business are both great articles for helping you juggle life, family and your small business. 

Once you have sold jewelry to all of your family and friends where do you go next? Creative Ways to Reach New Audiences for Your Handmade Jewelry Business and Tips for Creating a Elevator Pitch for Your Jewelry Business will give you tips for spreading the word - and the sales - for your business. 

And finally, it's not pretty but it is true - we all have those times where we've made a mistake, haven't managed our time well or are generally feeling put upon by running our own small business. Turn to these articles when your business gets you down. Making Mistakes in Your Jewelry BusinessIncrease Productivity in the Jewelry Studio with These 5 Tips and Making Time for Creative Retreats to help keep you sane and productive. 

2015 is definitely the year for you to start that handmade jewelry business. And here are the tools to help you succeed. Good luck! 
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