Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Give Them More Than They Expect

Everyone has certain expectations when it comes to what a company is going to do for them. While sometimes these expectations will be unrealistic, including expecting a company to do more than most will, more often than not people do not set the bar particularly high, especially when it comes to a company they have never been to before.

If you are not a regular customer, why would you have high expectations? It can be very easy to just assume that every company you see has the express goal of making as much money for themselves as they possibly can and nothing more.

For the company aware of the expectations most people have, you can seize an opportunity to give them more than they are expecting to receive, and by doing so give them a pleasant surprise.

Take this example: most companies are going to send out advertisements to people in an attempt to get them to come in. That is just a given and what happens all the time and something you are going to be doing so as well. However, the form those advertisements take is what can be different.

Rather than just send them a normal advertisement telling them about different savings and things like that, instead use greeting card printing and send them a card asking them to come in. Tell them that you want to offer your services to them and you think you can make their lives better.

Keep this entirely focused on them and what your company can do for them. The simple fact that you sent them a greeting card says a number of things about your company, allowing them to get a feel for what you are like, and come to trust you. I cannot recall the last time I was sent a nice, well-crafted greeting card by a company.

Because greeting card printing is not among the normal forms of advertising that most companies do, companies are less likely to get any done, which means yours will stand out from the rest of the advertisements.

By giving people something they were not expecting to get you immediately have their attention. This is, after all, the goal of all advertising, to get a persons attention long enough to deliver your message to them. If you just hand someone something they were expecting they are not going to be as interested in it, and be more likely to not pay attention.

Standing out in the crowded world of marketing is always a challenge, and requires a company to do something other than the norm. Ask yourself when the last time was you got a greeting card from a company in the mail.

Do not let the fact that not as many companies are using a particular marketing tactic scare you away from trying it yourself. If you are not seeing it very much, than your customers certainly is not either, which means you will surprise them when they receive that greeting card in the mail, and be that much closer to your next sale.
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