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Humanity - Creationism, Darwinism and Now Realisationism

Is the arrival of extra-terrestrials on our planet the only logical and common sense explanation for our truly remarkable evolution from the indigenous homo sapiens/Neanderthals over such a short period? How did mankind evolve so quickly during the Holocene era to become an integral part of Earth's fabric? So, why has this possibility, that we could have been seeded by an extra-terrestrial race, been ignored and suppressed over time? This is not a new question.
It has been explored through the generations and is even mentioned in the Bible.
It seems our understanding of Humanity has been deliberately constrained to Creationism, reluctantly expanded further by Darwinism in the nineteenth century then Intelligent Design with the ever-present 'Nature v Nurture' debate.
Creationism, then Darwinism and is this now the opportune time for Realisationism! I believe we can change Humanity for the better by developing this 'Realisationism' concept in our struggle to understand our Humanity! So, what is Realisationism? 1.
The awareness that we have ALL inherited a trans-generational 'extra-terrestrial memory gene' located in our unconscious mind containing universal knowledge going way back into the universe and creation.
ALL human beings are very precious.
The words Humanity, Equality, Diversification are now commonly used.
We know everything unconsciously but don't know everything.
This blind faith that we know we hold all knowledge in our unconscious (Microsoft like Operating System) memory.
Is there a comfort in believing we already know everything? Does this make us fearless both in life and death knowing we have the potential to know everything eventually even though at this stage of our evolution we don't?! Do we already have all the answers to the birth of the Universe - 'Inflation' and the energy of "Grand Unification" still hidden in our unconscious memory? Realisationism like Creationism requires faith! 4.
The recognition that our subconscious mind/memory is constantly being manipulated by the 'Elites'! So, first we need to realise there are Elites' among us who rule our planet.
Their ancestors had discovered some time ago how to manipulate and control our collective subconscious minds by playing mainly on our fears and greed.
This has created their ongoing success! See 'Humanity Our Extra-terrestrial Past' article.
They are likely to have evolved from a long line of secret societies - Knights Templar, Freemasonry, etc.
, intent on preserving the remains of an elite Aryan type race from an extra-terrestrial colonisation of Earth some 13,000 years ago.
Realisation leads to Personal Transition.
To live a life that's real and not holding ourselves back.
There is no dress rehearsal - this is it! With this new found freedom of mind, we can dismiss the negative manipulative propaganda which is often irrelevant to our individual lives! Question where your allegiances, superstitions and beliefs came from? Take control and when and where possible try not to take life too seriously - be positive, have fun! There are more and more people every day writing books, music, painting, in other words discovering their own creativity! 6.
We can regain control of our subconscious from the 'Elites'.
We can easily peel away the layers of 'baggage' and conspiracy built up over the centuries around our collective unconscious minds that is holding us all back.
We can become truly present to what's going on.
Lots of people on the planet not really here - never really connect in a meaningful way with the world! Realisationism is an individual mind process to regain control of our subconscious and collective subconscious from the manipulative Elites.
So, our approach can be described by the experience of Viktor Frankl, a Jewish psychologist who ended up in Auschwitz during the time of the Holocaust.
He survived the horrors by holding on to the idea that even if suffering is unavoidable and inescapable, they can never take away your inner freedom to face it with courage and dignity.
Frankl survived these appalling wartime experiences to become head of the neurological department of the Polyclinic Hospital in Vienna.
No need to go on protest marches or become a whistle-blower.
Many brave souls have been 'kettled' and threatened or worse and in the case of whistle blowers exposed and their reputations and careers irrevocably damaged.
We just need to control our subconscious to 'go on strike' when we recognise we are being manipulated! This can be demonstrated by some examples including not watching BBC TV - if this is too difficult start with the BBC News.
Abandon Tesco with their huge profits.
There is no real democracy so what happens if we don't vote at the next general election? If we could positively influence how our lives are manipulated via Realisationism, then fracking and the other impositions placed on us would soon stop! THEY STILL NEED US!! Examples of Realisationism:- "When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent.
Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind.
When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence.
So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.
Jiddu Krishnamurti Does this mean through our understanding of Realisationism that 'Man's inhumanity to man' will decease? Another example in Robbie Burns famous poem - A Man's A Man for A' That.
Verse Five is a prayer that Sense and Worth shall eventually agree with all mankind.
Burns imagines a future world in which all people will live as brothers, in mutual trust and respect.
"It's coming yet, for a' that".
Well, it hasn't come yet Rabbie, but we can help it on its way! Nelson Mandela overcame the 'Whites' that were seen by him and his people as 'Elites'.
Mandela - freedom fighter to President.
Unstoppable by the Whites but possibly not by the Elites?! Our ability to collaborate separates us from all other creatures on Earth.
The introduction of the transistor, the 'silicon' chip and in turn the Internet has rapidly increase our ability to collaborate and hence the rapid increase in our creativity and knowledge.
Is the credibility and our use of the Internet slowly being eroded? The 'Elites' don't like to see groups an even better platform for sharing ideas, encouraged by the World Wide Web! Was allowing the internet to happen an accident? Has the introduction of the internet by the Elites to monitor us more closely backfired? Did the Elites fail to realise the power of the internet? Or maybe the trade-off with us having the opportunity to collaborate on the World Wide Web is a calculated risk? Is the internet unstoppable, to become recognised as an important tool in Realisationism and our rise in knowledge up the Bathtub Curve towards a better humanity?!! Or is there a secret agency who have given top 'hackers' amnesty if they can crack the Microsoft O/S and hence dramatically limit our ability to use the internet? So, we don't have to be manipulated.
DO WITHOUT!! Maybe sometimes not easy! If you are unhappy with the media propaganda? SWITCH OFF!! Realisationism is of course already happening.
A good example is in sport.
At the recent Commonwealth Games in Glasgow we witnessed athletes with the attitude "Anything is possible"! We also saw a heightened awareness of self-discipline, dignity, generosity and personal responsibility, intrinsic to the ideal of Realisationism.
For some of us, it is important just to be aware of Realisationism.
So Realisationism not a new idea - I have just given it a label! I don't believe we are going to be saved by an external force.
We need our individual presence in the world to resolve our own dilemmas.
It may not be possible to achieve World in Peace thanks to the Elites, but through Realisationism we can strive for Peace in the World.
Will the introduction of Realisationism inspire the next phase of our Humanity at the beginning of our exploration of the Universe?
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