Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

The Importance of Your Business Card

What are you trying to say with you business card? We have talked about collecting other people's business cards and also about how they are often tough to differentiate from one another.
These are things you should avoid for your own business card.
It is easier to get into a conversation when you have a business card that speaks for itself.
My card, BizMechanix, is so different, almost everyone remarks on how good the card looks.
I have even had comments about it being the most professional and great looking card they have ever come across.
You should make sure that yours is the same.
Spend time with a graphic designer, and then also take time to buy good paper stock for printing.
You are more likely to get notices and gain business if your card is extremely professional.
Do not use the homemade variety, the serrated edges are a sure give-away that you do not value your card.
Remember that you card is the first thing people will see on their desk after the event.
It is also your card that they will take note of when entering new names into their contact management system.
Take the time and make the effort to create something unique, tasteful, and colorful.
You do not have to go over board with it - just make it well worth it.
I would rather have an excellent business card than a new car to drive.
Most people will not see my car inside the event, but they will see my business card.
Do not make it gaudy, just noticeable.
All the pieces have come together and attending the event has been a success.
You have made the most out of your attendance and practiced the necessary skills.
Now it is time to close in on the potential business.
The first thing to do is to sort your contacts in order of importance and potential size of the deal.
Choose the most important possibility, analyze the potential and then follow up.
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