Kinesiology tape is a thin tape used for relieving muscular and joints pain. It is made from the high grade cotton and acrylic material. It has the same thickness, weight and extensibility as the human skin has. Glue that is used in kinesiology tape is hypoallergenic. It is greatly adhesive elastic and flexible. It relieves muscles and joint and supports them too. The kinesiology tape is very popular among athletes but it is recommended by all medical practitioners for every person.
It improves the performance of the athletes and gives them more confidence because it does not let the pain and injuries get in their way. All the top brands of kinesiology tape use a hypoallergenic acrylic paste. The paste is applied to the back of the tape in a wave form. The glue sticks to the skin and channels away the moisture. The tape lifts the skin as soon as it is applied. It happens in such a way that when the body is moved, the edges of the gum lift the surface of the skin. In this way the pressure on the pain receptors is removed which results in the pain relief. It also improves the circulation of the blood.
Although the adhesive used in kinesiology tape is very safe and ideal for every person of everyage andit does not cause any allergic reaction to the skin. But in case of the person who has very sensitive skin can experience some allergic reaction due to the pulling of the tape for removal. The allergy is not severe. It only brings redness or itching on the skin. Sometimes some rashes may appear. This allergic reaction is more common in infants and children. Some adults face some damage to the skin too. It happens very rarely. Usually the adhesive is very smooth and sticks to the skin very gently. The soft gel makes it easy to remove from the skin.
The tape is very comfortable in use. It is water proof and sweat resistant. It is latex-free and non-medicated. It can be comfortably worn for up to 3 to 5 days. After that it needs reapplication of the tape. There are some reasons by which a person may develop any allergy with the use of kinesiology tape. One reason is that if the tape is too much stretched while applying on the skin, then it may cause any allergy. It happens because it pulls the skin too much.
Secondly if the tape is used on larger areas then it may cause any problem but if it is applied on the smaller areas then the chance of any allergic reaction is very low. This problem can easily be solved if you avoid stretching the tape while applying. One more thing that is very important to consider is that the ends of the tape must be applied very gently. If the ends are stretched then they will pull the skin on every movement thus giving irritation and rashes. The tape must also not be applied on the areas with more hairs. If it is applied on the areas with significant amount of hair then the hair follicles may experience any trouble and irritation. For this purpose, its solution is that the excess hair from the level of the skin must be cut before applying.
It improves the performance of the athletes and gives them more confidence because it does not let the pain and injuries get in their way. All the top brands of kinesiology tape use a hypoallergenic acrylic paste. The paste is applied to the back of the tape in a wave form. The glue sticks to the skin and channels away the moisture. The tape lifts the skin as soon as it is applied. It happens in such a way that when the body is moved, the edges of the gum lift the surface of the skin. In this way the pressure on the pain receptors is removed which results in the pain relief. It also improves the circulation of the blood.
Although the adhesive used in kinesiology tape is very safe and ideal for every person of everyage andit does not cause any allergic reaction to the skin. But in case of the person who has very sensitive skin can experience some allergic reaction due to the pulling of the tape for removal. The allergy is not severe. It only brings redness or itching on the skin. Sometimes some rashes may appear. This allergic reaction is more common in infants and children. Some adults face some damage to the skin too. It happens very rarely. Usually the adhesive is very smooth and sticks to the skin very gently. The soft gel makes it easy to remove from the skin.
The tape is very comfortable in use. It is water proof and sweat resistant. It is latex-free and non-medicated. It can be comfortably worn for up to 3 to 5 days. After that it needs reapplication of the tape. There are some reasons by which a person may develop any allergy with the use of kinesiology tape. One reason is that if the tape is too much stretched while applying on the skin, then it may cause any allergy. It happens because it pulls the skin too much.
Secondly if the tape is used on larger areas then it may cause any problem but if it is applied on the smaller areas then the chance of any allergic reaction is very low. This problem can easily be solved if you avoid stretching the tape while applying. One more thing that is very important to consider is that the ends of the tape must be applied very gently. If the ends are stretched then they will pull the skin on every movement thus giving irritation and rashes. The tape must also not be applied on the areas with more hairs. If it is applied on the areas with significant amount of hair then the hair follicles may experience any trouble and irritation. For this purpose, its solution is that the excess hair from the level of the skin must be cut before applying.