- Begin your effort to rid the garbage can of maggot infestation by cleaning the garbage can after the garbage has been collected. Dry it out and cover the maggots with lime, salt or vinegar. Coat the inside ot the can with diatomaceous earth, which is available in garden nurseries or home and garden centers. Diatomaceous earth is a natural fossil product that kills maggots and slugs, according to the City of Hamilton, California, website.
- Another way to kill maggots is to pour boiling water on them. Empty the can first and remove any stagnant water from around the can. Pour boiling water into the can. "You can also add ammonia, but never add bleach and ammonia at the same time as the combined fumes can be deadly," the website Knowledge Galaxy advises.
- Prevention is the best way to avoid maggot problems. The outer rim of the garbage can should be lined with salt or vinegar which will prevent flies from entering the garbage can, according to the City of Hamilton website. In addition, you may sprinkle rock salt or lime inside the can. Placing boric acid in the bottom of the garbage can also will prevent maggot growth.
Common House Products
Boiling Water
Maggot Prevention