Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How to Care for Dalmatian Puppies

    • 1). Walk your dalmatian puppy briskly one or two times a day in accordance with suggestions from Puppy Training Solutions. Dalmatians need a lot of exercise to keep them from becoming too active, and potentially destructive, within the house. Consider letting the dog run outside within a fenced-in yard when applicable.

    • 2). Enroll the dog into puppy kindergarten or puppy obedience class to encourage socialization with other humans as well as other canines, and to train the dog to listen to simple commands and come when called. Dalmation expert Kathy McCoubrey advises current and potential dalmatian puppy owners that these spotted pups can be stubborn and benefit from positive training consistency.

    • 3). Crate your puppy when you are not in the house or at night to avoid common chewing as stated by Kathy McCoubrey. When dalmatians are bored, they tend to cause trouble in the house.

    • 4). Invite children to the house if you are not currently a parent to socialize the dog with youngsters. Kathy McCoubrey mentions to keep a close eye on the dog with the child as dalmatians can be fear-aggressive and snip the child when afraid. The more exposure to small children the dog receives, the more likely that characteristic may decrease dramatically. Many experts do not recommend dalmatians for families with toddlers.

    • 5). Brush your dalmatian puppy sporadically to remove shedding hair. It won't eliminate the problem, however; Suitable Puppies states that dalmatians are known to shed year-round. Bath the puppy occasionally with an oatmeal-based canine shampoo to keep the dog's coat healthy and shiny.

    • 6). Vaccinate your pet to keep it healthy and reduce the possibility of getting infected with a debilitating disease. Regular check-ups may pinpoint possible conditions prone to dalmatians, as stated by Puppy Training Solutions, such as hip dysplasia, kidney stones, epilepsy and deafness. Ask your veterinarian about recommended flea and tick treatments as well as preventative heart worm medication for your puppy.

    • 7). License your puppy with the county or state so if it gets lost, it can be returned to its family. Consider a microchip to locate the dog more quickly.

    • 8). Consult your vet about the type of food that works well with the digestive system of a dalmatian. Dalmatian expert Kathy McCoubrey suggests that the breed is prone to uric acid issues and may benefit from a low-protein, lamb and rice food that does not include beef products.

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