Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Stop Dealing With Pain Through Medications! New Technology Could Start a Healthcare Revolution

There are thousands of people that are forced to deal with pain everyday of their lives.
This could be from car wrecks, old sports injuries, conditions such as arthritis, or just flat out sleeping the wrong way on your pillow.
No matter what the reason for the pain, one thing they all these people have in common is that they want it to go away! There is new technology out right now that is helping people with their pain through zero point energy.
This could very well start a healthcare revolution.
Through a process called Amized Fusion, a company called Amega Global has created products that give off this zero point energy.
What this does is to remind your body's cells that they came from source.
Of course at the source, pain does not exist.
So when your body is reminded of this, your pain can greatly decrease or go away all together.
It's no secret that people have been using other methods other than doctor prescribed medications for dealing with many things.
Energy of any kind is a major part life itself.
This technology has been practiced over seas in Asia for about 4 years now with amazing results, but has just now crossed into the United States with in the last month.
Many people have already used the Amwand as it's called and the testimonials for what it has done for peoples pain are pretty amazing.
One gentleman was having really bad sinus problems and was on steroids for the issue.
Because the wand gives off the zero point energy, when it came in contact with the area of his nose, his sinus issue began to subside.
3 weeks later he has still not had to take any more of the steroids for his sinuses.
There was even a gentleman who used this wand on his dog that was walking around holding up on of his legs for a couple of days.
, The funny thing about it was that when the person holding the wand got close to the dog, who had his back turned, he whipped around and tried to bite him.
So some type of energy is being emitted from this wand.
Either way, after spending about 5 minutes with the dog, the next day it was back to walking on all fours.
Some people might dismiss this as "just another scam", but there are way to many people who believed in the power of harnessed energy long before this company came out with these products.
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