Cars & Vehicles Motorcycles

Changing Motorcycle Oil and Oil Filter

If you own a motorcycle or motorbike, you must have loved to ride it.
Motorcycles are comparatively less complicated then motor cars in their mechanism.
If you have a motorcycle you should know how to replace the oil and oil filter for its better performance.
Oil and oil filter needs to be changed with regular intervals for smooth riding.
Changing the oil filter on your own is very cheap as compared to take it to your mechanic and spend a lot on it.
Now we will discuss how you can change the oil and oil filter of your motorcycle at home without any hard work or spending.
You Require -Oil and oil filter (new) -Rags -Wrench -Crush washer (for drain plug) -Drain pan -Funnel (cone shaped tool) Steps 1.
You need to prepare for the oil filter change before starting work.
Put you motorcycle on centre stand on a level surface.
Keep all the required tools and necessary items at one place.
You cannot afford to run here and there to get different tolls or items while working.
Take the drain pan and placed it right under the drain plug.
Remove the drain plug with the help of suitable wrench.
Once the drain plug is removed the oil will start to drain out in the drain pan.
Adjust the position of the pan according to the flow of the oil.
After all the oil drain out of the filter, take out the filter with the help of leather belt or with specified wrench (in case it is tight).
Remove it carefully without harming any other part of the engine.
Examine the drain plug crush washer closely and replace it with the new one in case of any wear and tear on it.
Replace the drain plug back on its place once all the oil flows out.
Take a new filter and put some new oil in it.
Shake the filter for a while so that oil spread over it.
Make use of your finger for this purpose.
Spread oil thoroughly on the rubber seal and over the filter chamber.
Fix the new oil filter back to its place carefully.
Be careful that the motorcycle filter does not need tight or hard fixing.
Just a slight effort will install it on the engine.
Everyone owner's manual contains the perfect oil capacity and other necessary information, do follow them.
After getting the reading about oil capacity, take a funnel and pour oil slowly into the filter.
Do not over pour.
Do it carefully and note the oil level gradually.
Once you have achieved the desired level stop there.
Clean the place and make sure that there is no oil leak from anywhere.
Dispose off the dirty oil carefully.
Take a small ride on your motorcycle and check for leaks again.
Your job is done.
It is important to check the oil and oil filter condition regularly to avoid major loss to your motorcycle engine.
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