- The purpose of a statute of limitations is to ensure that legal claims are pursued in a timely fashion. This serves two purposes. First, by providing a set time frame within which claims may be pursued, a statute of limitations provides a sense of predictability and finality to disputes. Second, it is easier to gather evidence on events that have happened recently than it is for events that have taken place years ago.
- Every state has its own statutes of limitations for various civil actions. Typically, these statutes of limitations range from one to five years for most actions based on negligence or intentional conduct. Because every state has different rules, potential plaintiffs or defendants should check the rules in the relevant state.
- Many states have special rules for beginning the limitations period for minors and the mentally disabled. Typically, these rules will delay the date at which the statute of limitations period begins to run.
Rationale for a Statute of Limitations
Statutes of Limitations for Civil Actions
Special Rules for the Statute of Limitations