I think the mystery surrounding the creation of Humanity is a permanence securing our freedom by guaranteeing there are no limits to what a Human can be.
For every definitive conclusion governing the genesis of Life is forever an additional preceding unknown.
Thus, whatever becomes known leaves more or something else to know.
So the question isn't how did Life begin? Or even, what is Life? The question is what to do about living conditions? As of Now this is known:
A citizen is an inhabitant entitled to rights and privileges commensurate to one's civic effort to participant in the community.
A good citizen is one producing value thru work, service, and the nurturing of children and the physical environment.
In order to ensure a critical mass of good citizens the Planeterian Principles and Global Guide to Good, a sequence of 10,000 words about a new way of thinking, has been written.
The goal of the Planeterian Principles and Global Guide to Good is to serve as both an inspirational and reference tome organized to inspire you to do one of two things:
May we synchronize as more of the same.
If you are deciding what to do about your life - citizenship, your world, your business, and your contribution to society, please use the Planeterian Principles and Global Guide to Good as a source of personal energy.
There are twelve Planeterian Principles:
Practice of the Planeterian Principles assures acquisition of a new global, local and personal reality.
For every definitive conclusion governing the genesis of Life is forever an additional preceding unknown.
Thus, whatever becomes known leaves more or something else to know.
So the question isn't how did Life begin? Or even, what is Life? The question is what to do about living conditions? As of Now this is known:
- Time is present, and is a Present; as in immediate and a gift,
- How Time began is a permanent mystery for the benefit of our imagination, freedom, and productivity - there are no limits to what we may do, if we know how,
- The best way to express thanks for a gift is to appreciate it - use it,
- All Human beings are related, share the same origin, and share a set of common factors and needs,
- These needs include the necessities of nutrition, clothing/gear, housing/shelter, energy for utilities and tools, healthcare, education, transportation, telecommunications and recreation, and
- Time, like all true gifts, is meant to be Good.
A citizen is an inhabitant entitled to rights and privileges commensurate to one's civic effort to participant in the community.
A good citizen is one producing value thru work, service, and the nurturing of children and the physical environment.
In order to ensure a critical mass of good citizens the Planeterian Principles and Global Guide to Good, a sequence of 10,000 words about a new way of thinking, has been written.
The goal of the Planeterian Principles and Global Guide to Good is to serve as both an inspirational and reference tome organized to inspire you to do one of two things:
- Continue and complete your efforts to change the world, or
- Start to change the world, as necessary, from your horizon.
May we synchronize as more of the same.
If you are deciding what to do about your life - citizenship, your world, your business, and your contribution to society, please use the Planeterian Principles and Global Guide to Good as a source of personal energy.
There are twelve Planeterian Principles:
- Genesis, begin to win;
- Unity, unite self - no discrepancy between values and actions;
- Knowledge: Intelligence - knowing facts, Wisdom - knowing others, Enlightenment - knowing self;
- Honor, use the truth not the marketing;
- Esteem, mastering skills;
- Power, mastering self control;
- Freedom, appreciation over comprehension and understanding;
- Truth, building trustworthy relationships;
- Merit, earning what you deserve;
- Wisdom, the bridge connecting intelligence and enlightenment;
- Prosperity, wealth for the community, and
- Peace, health and justice for Life.
- All non-criminal Humans have means to pay for and/or produce nutrition, clothing/gear, housing/shelter, education, energy/utilities, recreation, healthcare, transportation, and telecommunications,
- The money to pay for the above comes from a Global Trust Fund for Natural Resources,
- Capital for the Global Trust Fund is implemented and perpetuated by payments from those who presently claim ownership and possession of natural resources,
- The Planeterian supports shared legal ownership of natural resources between the discoverer and all of Humanity on the basis true ownership belongs to the one who creates the resource (Respect for this objective fact is the fundamental key to securing a different future than the one guaranteed by the status quo.
), - Discovery of a natural resource does not equate to sole ownership of the resource,
- Full employment economic policies; if private companies are unable, or unwilling, to hire all who seek employment, the government provides or subsidizes employment until which time the private sector can assimilate the work force,
- Business and income taxes are structured to encourage full employment and to penalize firings, layouts, and downgrading when the act is for profit only,
- There is a guaranteed income for all persons 12 years of age and greater until death, if there is no criminal offense committed.
Criminal activity suspends any payments forthcoming.
This guaranteed income does not secure a luxury existence and assures the absence of material poverty and access to academic attainment, - The entire planet Earth is a place where knowing how to live has replaced paying to live and is reflected foremost in the absence of war, criminal activity and orphaned children,
- Racial classification is passé,
- Nutrition, clothing/gear, housing, education, energy, recreation, healthcare, transportation, and telecommunications are produced and distributed through an environmental and ecologically balanced infrastructure, and
- Education is accessible to all academically eligible; no economic or financial barrier to scholastic achievement.
Practice of the Planeterian Principles assures acquisition of a new global, local and personal reality.