As a dog lover, have you always wanted to own the perfect pooch, or learn how to create a happier environment for you and your furry friend? One thing's for sure, there's no shortage of dog trainers, each telling you something different.
Everyone claiming to be the fastest and easiest solution to all of your dog problems.
But the one thing I think most trainers will agree on, and thats the importance of starting your training off on the right foot.
Can My Dog Really Do That? How often have you watched a television program, or film in awe and thought to yourself, I wish my dog could do that.
Well it can be achieved, but only through being totally dedicated to the cause.
Dogs can be a fantastic edition to your family, and if possible, it's important to train your dog from young.
You see, dogs are like babies, and learn an incredible amount in their early years, and unfortunately, this is a period where they can also pick up a lot of bad habits too.
So any early attention you can give your dog will help prevent a lot of heartache for you in the future.
Spend quality time with your dog, and give them your undivided attention.
Without this your dog will become bored, which in turn could lead to bad habits, such as chewing or tearing things up.
And from the very first day, set your boundaries and let your dog know who the master is.
And whatever you do once the boundaries are set, DON'T EVER CHANGE THEM! Start your training sessions at quiet places that are familiar to your dog.
Then the more improvement you see, gradually move training to a place where there are more distractions.
Doing this will encourage your dog to listen to your commands despite the distractions going on around them.
When you conduct training, make sure that the training task are made into fun games for your dog.
It's important to turn your dogs motivation to play in your favor.
And remember to always reward your dog with a simple treat, and lots of praise, when they complete a task correctly.
Keep your training sessions short because there are certain breeds of dog that naturally have very short attention spans.
So to make training more productive,you could break up the sessions into smaller chunks, rather than one long session.
That's My Dinner! If you have a problem with your dog behaving badly by constantly scavenging for food, make your dog eat after you do.
This is a simple way that shows your dog who is the boss.
There is nothing worse then a dog getting under your feet when you are having a meal, especially if you have guests joining you for dinner.
And finally, remember obedience training should be fun for you and your dog.
So there's absolutely no need for extreme measures.
Everyone claiming to be the fastest and easiest solution to all of your dog problems.
But the one thing I think most trainers will agree on, and thats the importance of starting your training off on the right foot.
Can My Dog Really Do That? How often have you watched a television program, or film in awe and thought to yourself, I wish my dog could do that.
Well it can be achieved, but only through being totally dedicated to the cause.
Dogs can be a fantastic edition to your family, and if possible, it's important to train your dog from young.
You see, dogs are like babies, and learn an incredible amount in their early years, and unfortunately, this is a period where they can also pick up a lot of bad habits too.
So any early attention you can give your dog will help prevent a lot of heartache for you in the future.
Spend quality time with your dog, and give them your undivided attention.
Without this your dog will become bored, which in turn could lead to bad habits, such as chewing or tearing things up.
And from the very first day, set your boundaries and let your dog know who the master is.
And whatever you do once the boundaries are set, DON'T EVER CHANGE THEM! Start your training sessions at quiet places that are familiar to your dog.
Then the more improvement you see, gradually move training to a place where there are more distractions.
Doing this will encourage your dog to listen to your commands despite the distractions going on around them.
When you conduct training, make sure that the training task are made into fun games for your dog.
It's important to turn your dogs motivation to play in your favor.
And remember to always reward your dog with a simple treat, and lots of praise, when they complete a task correctly.
Keep your training sessions short because there are certain breeds of dog that naturally have very short attention spans.
So to make training more productive,you could break up the sessions into smaller chunks, rather than one long session.
That's My Dinner! If you have a problem with your dog behaving badly by constantly scavenging for food, make your dog eat after you do.
This is a simple way that shows your dog who is the boss.
There is nothing worse then a dog getting under your feet when you are having a meal, especially if you have guests joining you for dinner.
And finally, remember obedience training should be fun for you and your dog.
So there's absolutely no need for extreme measures.