Health & Medical Women's Health

All About Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery has been carried out for over 40 years, and during this time it has been developed into a highly effective procedure.
It is one of the most talked about procedures in the media, thanks to its ever-increasing celebrity following and of course, the inevitable medical scares.
Silicone implants caused huge controversy in the early 1990's, when a group of American lawyers questioned their safety.
Claims of links between silicone implants and birth defects in babies born to mothers with implants, breast cancer and conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and ME were made, and as a result silicone implants were banned from 1992 through to 2006 for use in breast augmentation procedures in the United States.
Extensive trials that were carried out in the United States have shown that silicone implants used in breast augmentation have no link to birth defects or auto-immune diseases and suggested that in fact there were lower rates of breast cancer among women with implants.
Studies have since shown that modern silicone implants have a far better safety record than their predecessors thanks to much thicker outer shells formed by layers of silicone rubber which are far less likely to rupture or leak.
Research is of course on-going but the Department of Health in the UK has never seen any cause to ban the use of silicone implants.
The development of new techniques and implants means that women deciding to undergo breast augmentation in Manhattan can choose the type and shape of implant they would like, but also have the option of having the incisions made in a way and place that won't produce such noticeable scarring as early breast augmentation procedures did.
Implants come in many sizes, meaning an increase of two or more cup sizes is possible if desired, however it is important to remember that large breast size increases may look out of proportion with the rest of the body - this is something that would be discussed at pre-surgery consultation with a surgeon, who will be able to assess body shape and size in relation to the implants.
If a very drastic size increase is desired, despite the fact it will look out of proportion, then this would have to be carried out in stages in order to minimise potential complications.
Implants now come in two shapes, thanks to the introduction of tear-shaped implants which are intended to give a more "natural" breast shape, the incisions required for these however, are larger than those needed for round implants as they are much less flexible.
Silicone implants used to be the only type available, however there is now the option of saline.
Silicone implants have been used in breast augmentation surgery since the 1960's and have the benefit of being well tested and modified to ensure a reliable implant.
Silicone implants are very hard-wearing with very little danger of rupture or leakage, they also provide a natural looking and feeling breast as silicone gel feels remarkably similar to body fat, the main component of natural breast tissue.
Saline implants also have a thick silicone shell, but are filled with a salt water liquid.
Saline implants are normally filled once they have been inserted in the body, and once the filling tube is removed the valve in the shell closes, sealing the implant.
The implants are small when they are inserted therefore the incisions to insert them are smaller than those needed for silicone implants.
The fact that saline implants are filled once they have been inserted means they give the surgeon more flexibility when it comes to evening out any asymmetry in the breasts as they are filled, perfect for those looking to balance the size of their breasts.
However, while they may have the benefit of smaller incisions and asymmetry correction, saline implants are generally thought to feel less natural than silicone and also they have a greater tendency to "wrinkle" which, depending on where they have been placed, particularly on very thin women can be visible.
Saline implants are also more likely to leak than silicone or in some cases deflate entirely which then requires a replacement implant, this is thought to be caused by friction created between the saline filling and the silicone outer shell.
There is no health threat from a leaking or deflated saline implants as it is a biocompatible substance and therefore is absorbed by the body very quickly.
Implants can be placed either in front of or behind the chest muscle, both of which give slightly different looks.
Submuscular augmentation is where the implant sits behind the breast tissue and the chest muscle.
This is the most common placement for implants and provides an extra layer of protection to the implant and may reduce the formation of hard scar tissue round the implant.
Subglandular augmentation is where the implant sits under the breast tissue but in front of the chest muscle.
This method is slightly less painful than submuscular augmentation and can create a slightly more natural look as the implants can be placed slightly lower, however there is the possibility of being able to feel the implant and if saline implants are used and wrinkling occurs this may be more visible.
The site and size of incision is one of the things that has improved greatly over the years, and the introduction of saline implants means that in some cases the scars are barely, if at all visible.
There are four common incision sites used in breast augmentation surgery in Manhattan, depending on the type and shape of implant being used.
They are: Inframammary is where the incision is made along the crease underneath the breast, this is one of the easiest incisions for inserting implants however the scars can be quite long.
Periareolar is where the surgeon makes the incision around the lower half of the areola then cuts through the breast tissue to insert the implant.
The skin around nipples heals well so the scars will be minimal but still be visible.
Transaxilliary incisions are made in the armpit, producing one of the most natural results, when the scars fade it will be virtually impossible to notice.
Transumbilical is one of the most complex incisions, and can only be used with saline implants.
The incision is made in the belly button and the surgeon then pushes up under the skin to the breasts to insert the implants where they are then filled.
In-depth discussions with the surgeon about which of these options is right for the patient ensures that anyone undergoing breast augmentation surgery should have the right size, shape, type and placement of their implants along with realistic expectations prior to surgery and therefore be delighted with the results achieved.
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