- 1). Grow the Euryops daisy in full sun. If the plant is in a shaded spot, flowering will be reduced, or you might not get any flowers at all. If your plant is shaded, replant or move to a full sun area.
- 2). Do not over-water the Euryops once it is established. Allow the soil to dry between waterings. Euryops may show signs of over-watering with yellowing leaves, root rot or lack of flowers.
- 3). Deadhead, or remove spent flowers, as often as you can. You can remove dead flowers one by one, or use a garden shear to prune many flowers at once. Deadheading will keep the Euryops looking its best and promote new flowers.
- 4). Prune the Euryops in the spring to remove old leaves, and shape the plant to a pleasing form. It is normal for older, inner leaves to turn brown and die as they age. Every second or third year, you can prune the plant hard, removing foliage almost to the wood.
- 5). Fertilize the Euryops with an all-purpose fertilizer each spring. Follow package directions, and do not over-apply fertilizer, which can cause burning of plant foliage or damage to the roots.