Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Is Stress the Cause of Your Heartburn, GERD or Acid Reflux?

Let's face it! Whether we want it or not, we all have it.
STRESS!!!! Stress is a fact of life.
Some have more than others.
The term Stress was coined by a world-renowned endocrinologist, Hans Selye in the 1930s.
He was the first to report a list of bodily changes that occurred in lab rats exposed to certain stimuli.
He defined stress as "a state manifested by a specific syndrome of the body developed in response to any stimuli that made an intense systemic demand on it.
" (Selye H.
The Stress of Life (rev.
New York: McGraw-Hill).
Unfortunately all of us nowadays have so much stress that its considered a bad thing.
Stress in fact is neither negative nor damaging to your health.
Its a response that is designed to be protective and of limited duration.
It activates the sympathetic and autonomic nervous system, the immune system and the Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis all in an attempt to maintain balance in the body when faced with changes in either the internal or external environments.
Its prolonged stress, or overwhelming and chronic stressors, that make stress pathological.
Its also a person's ability to adapt to, or deal with stress, that determines how it will effect them.
For many of us, prolonged stress will be felt in our guts.
Stress will cause the gastrointestinal tract to lose is function, and will most certainly cause Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Heartburn or GERD.
Although its not the underlying cause it will certainly trigger or exacerbate it.
Eating while stressed will make reflux symptoms even worse.
Stress increases the esophagus's sensitivity to small amounts of stomach acid and aggravating GERD symptoms.
These symptoms have increased dramatically over the past three years due to the down economy, high unemployment rates and the severe pressure added on to those who do have jobs.
No one is immune to the consequences of stress which include the following:
  • Heartburn, Acid Reflux, or GERD
  • Insomnia
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Heart Palpitations
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Alcoholism
  • Drug Addiction
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
Fortunately we all have the ability to manage stress.
Its important to maintain a positive attitude and, on a daily basis, practice relaxation techniques.
Below are some suggestions you may find helpful.
  • Meditation: Will calm your mind and provide an overall sense of peace.
    Meditation is easy and extremely powerful.
    Start with 10 minutes and work up to 30 minutes to an hour a day.
    You can read books on how to do it or join a group.
    You can learn Transcendental or Buddhist meditation, or simply Google meditation and find a method that works for you.
  • Yoga: Very calming, balances breathing and movement, strengthens both the body and the mind and gives you great flexibility.
  • Walking: Get to know your neighborhood or local park.
    Walk at a brisk pace every day, for at least 20 minutes with the goal of an hour a day.
  • Exercise: Any exercise will help to reduce stress.
    Try to fit something into your schedule daily.
  • Read: Read books that are inspiring and help you to feel good.
    You could read about meditation, how to follow your dreams, or how to maintain a positive attitude.
  • Tai Chi: Literally meditation in movement, with slow, renewing and gentle flow of poses.
    Great for people of all ages.
Whatever you do, don't turn to alcohol to relieve your stress.
Alcohol will make things worse as its a depressant and will activate Reflux Symptoms, GERD or heartburn.
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