- Round and square-shouldered footman loops are typical of those installed in MB Jeeps in the 1940s. The loops are available in different sizes to accommodate straps and objects of different sizes or thicknesses.
- The Willys MB was introduced in October 1941 as a light reconnaissance vehicle for the U.S. Army, according to DDay-Overlord.com. There were about 650,000 MBs produced. The vehicle had a four-cylinder engine and a top speed of about 65 mph.
- Ford was also called upon to make the same vehicle, but the company called it the GPW. The name Jeep came from an abbreviation of general purpose (GP). The versatility of the Jeep allowed it to be used for a wide variety of purposes, including troop and medical transport. Features,such as the footman loop, allowed it to carry cargo, supplies and tools.
Jeep Willys MB
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