Society & Culture & Entertainment Environmental

Wild Fires: Why Do We Act After The Fact?

The ten deadliest US wild fires cost approximately 3,000 lives and a loss of 10,000,000 acres of forests.
Perhaps we need a national effort to construct effective firebreaks or huge fire roads.
The forests lost in necessary clearing would be tiny in comparison to the loss of forests due to fires.
Effective firebreak management could be extremely effective.
The US forest management seems delinquent concerning effective fire protection engineering principles needed to protect the environment and people from destructive effects of fire and smoke.
This is likely due to the expense.
Forest cleaning is necessary.
Dropped branches and leaf litter increases the likelihood of uncontrollable fires.
It is necessary to clean or burn slash debris generated during logging operations.
Do we use controlled or prescribed burning enough or effectively? This can improve accessibility of fire fighting machines.
Controlled fires reduce, perhaps eliminate, material that might burn during a wildfire.
This is a temporary effect that may last a few years or many years depending on the site.
Areas that have frequent controlled fires generally have fewer major wildfires.
Thus, controlled fires are a good tool to reduce major wildfires.
Controlled burning can renew forests by causing seeds of some desirable forest trees to sprout.
This may improve wildlife habitat, improve grazing, and control undesired vegetation.
No doubt experts are searching for new and better means of detecting wild fires.
I'm a layman, but it seems sad that we have suffered for so many years with awful wild fires and just can't seem to find a solution.
I feel the experts have solutions, but the real effective solutions are extremely expensive.
Lets face it; effective solutions to such a massive problem will always be expensive.
The news media has a major responsibility in persuading the citizens and tax payers that they must be willing to pay the bill; regardless of the cost.
In the long run this is an investment.
It seems that too often wild fires begin because of a careless camper and his camp-fire.
Strict laws, supervision, and education are required in order to get the attention of careless campers that cause many ground and tree fires.
Camping must be restricted to very large clearings.
Violators need to be severally punished.
Water shortage, arson, lighting, droughts, campers, 'etc'.
contribute to wild fires.
Do we effectively address each of these issues? Wild fires kill.
Do all states have laws listing arson as manslaughter? Are we adequately educating campers and punishing the lazy guilty campers? Fear deters violations.
Very early detection of fires in a wooded areas is naturally extremely important.
Extensive use of fire sensors can be an effective early alert of any fire, but it requires an over-kill in the use and placement of the sensors.
Any over-kill would likely be the less expensive route, compared to the cost of fighting a large fire and the cost of fire destruction.
Is effective tree lighting protection utilized in all forests? Perhaps it would be worth the cost of installing lighting rods on all trees; especially the larger ones.
Can we improve on the design and construction of auxiliary water supply systems in all US forests to aid in fighting wild fires? The cost would be great, but perhaps a good investment.
People need to avoid burning brush and other debris during early spring conditions.
Firefighters respond to hundreds of spring wildfires caused by open burning.
In fact, brush and debris burning is listed as the second most common preventable cause of wildfires.
It seems to me that California could better utilize the use of the free ocean water to aid in fighting wild fires and protecting the expensive homes.
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