- 1). Look for apple tree varieties that grow best in Michigan. According to the Michigan Apples website, the most common varieties of apple trees grown in Michigan are the Golden Delicious, Gala, Red Delicious and Honeycrisp.
- 2). Read the label or product information carefully when looking at apple tree varieties and identify the rootstock. Most apple trees are actually grafted onto other tree types, which are called the root stock. The type of root stock will let you know how tall and wide the apple tree will eventually grow. See the Resources section for a listing of common rootstock heights.
- 3). Taste at least five to six varieties of apples to decide what flavor of fruit you want the tree to produce. If you like sweet, juicy apples choose a Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Gala or Honeycrisp apple tree. If you prefer a tart apple, choose a Cortland, Ida Red, Macintosh or Winesap apple tree.
- 4). Visit a garden center and ask an employee to show you an apple tree that is one to two years old. Examine the soil in the pot and ensure that it is completely moist but not soggy. Pull the tree gently out of the pot and make sure that the roots are white and do not have slime on them.