Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Four Awesome Ways To Use Camouflage Tarps When You Aren"t Hunting

Most people buy camouflage tarps for the first time because they're going hunting and they want to conceal themselves from deer or other prey.
It's natural to turn to camo models because they not only protect hunters from being spotted, they also protect them from the elements if it is raining or snowing while they are in a tree stand or blind or are simply seated in a grove of trees.
The polyethylene material that most of them are made from sheds rain and snow and is easy to tie down using the grommets along the edges.
But if you're hesitating before investing in them because you aren't sure you'll use them beyond a few days during hunting season, think again.
Here are four awesome ways to use them before and after the season ends.
Protect Your Outdoor Furniture If you have outdoor furniture in your garden or on your patio, you know that most of it is designed to be used during warm weather.
Because it isn't designed to withstand long winters of ice, snow or rain,it needs to be protected several months out of the year.
If you don't have lots of storage space in your garage or basement, you probably end up leaving it outside, where it will quickly succumb to rust or water damage unless it's protected properly.
Camo tarps are a great way to shield your lawn furniture from the elements because they are made from a thick, waterproof poly material that will shed moisture and keep your furnishings free of dust, debris and dirt until you're ready to uncover your furniture in the spring.
If you cover your outdoor furniture in camouflage, it won't be as conspicuous to passersby, and isn't as likely to be stolen.
Instead, your furniture will blend into the background of your yard.
Brightly colored covers can be real eyesores during the fall and winter.
Take Camo Tarps On Your Next Camping Trip Your tent protects you from the weather when you're camping, but what protects your gear? Rather than trying to cram everything you brought with you into an already crowded tent, use camo tarps to shield your supplies from the elements and make them more difficult for humans or animals to find.
If you're camping so that you can observe wildlife or get some great photos of birds or animals in the wild, camo provides coverage so that you can get closer for some great shots.
You can also use it to create a nice shaded area for relaxing outside your tent on sunny days.
Protect Your Wood Pile Not all discount tarps are waterproof, so it's a good idea to make sure yours are made of waterproof poly if you want to protect anything from water damage.
If you have a wood pile next to your house or cabin, be sure to cover it with camouflage tarps to keep your wood supply dry.
Trying to make a fire or bonfire with damp wood is smoky and frustrating, but throwing a waterproof camo covering over it is a quick and easy solution.
Improve Your Performance In Paintball Or War Games Camouflage of every kind has been used by the military for decades to cover troop movements and give shelter to soldiers in war zones.
If you're an avid paintball fan or you enjoy organized war games, you can improve your play by shielding your whereabouts and your supplies from your opponents, giving you a distinct edge.
For these kinds of maneuvers, camo patterned, discount tarps are fine, but be sure they are waterproof in case you get caught playing in stormy weather.
The heat-sealed seams, rope reinforced hems and waterproof polyethylene construction of camouflage tarps make them ideal for a variety of uses beyond your next weekend hunting trip, making them worth every penny.
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