Most Prominent Island Connection: Already on the island when the plane crashed
Relationship: He is an Other
Other Known Connections: None
Episode Appearances:
- Episode 2x22, Three Minutes
Mr. Friendly asks Alex to bring Kate out, but she doesn't want to do it, and Pickett ends up doing it.
While on his way to get Walt, Michael finds Pickett. The Others capture Michael and march him back to their camp. Pickett draws blood from Michael and later, at Miss Klugh's direction, he brings Walt in to see Michael.
- Episode 2x23, Live Together, Die Alone
Pickett is part of the group that brings Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley to the pier. - Episode 3x2, The Glass Ballerina
Pickett takes Sawyer out of the cage and gives him a lunch box. He says he'll need it for strength. As they start to leave, Colleen calls to Pickett, calling him Danny. Pickett goes to talk to her and they whisper. Pickett tells her to be careful and kisses her on the cheek.
Pickett tells Kate that she will be loosening rocks and Sawyer will be picking them up. If they talk or touch, he will zap them with a tazer.
Pickett sees Sawyer kiss Kate and runs over, fighting Sawyer. Juliet puts a stop to the fighting with a gun on Kate. - Episode 3x4, Every Man For Himself
Pickett starts to take Sawyer out of the cage, but gets a call on the walkie-talkie. They bring Colleen out in a stretcher and Pickett goes with them into the building.
He gets upset when Juliet brings Jack in and wants to tell Jack who shot Colleen. Tom takes him out of the room and watches Jack and Juliet work on Colleen from the viewing room. Colleen, his wife, dies. Pickett goes after Sawyer and beats him repeatedly asking Kate if she loves him. He keeps up the beatings until Kate says she loves Sawyer.
- Episode 3x5, The Cost of Living
Pickett mourns the loss of his wife, Colleen, at her funeral. - Episode 3x6, I Do
Pickett opens Kate's cage and tells her it's time to work. Kate won't go without Sawyer, so he gets Sawyer out as well. While they work, there is a security breech and Pickett tells them to get down on the ground. Alex comes in and tells Pickett that she wants to see Ben. Someone grabs Alex from behind and drags her away.
Pickett watches Jack begin his surgery on Ben, then tells Jason to go with him. Jason says that they just started the surgery and Pickett says, "Ben is putting his life into the hands of one of them. Shephard wasn't even on Jacob's list."
Pickett takes Sawyer out of the cage and despite Kate's pleading, makes him get on his knees and points a gun at him. He cocks the gun and says, "This is for Colleen." He's interrupted by Tom on the walkie talkie telling Pickett to give the walkie to Kate. He doesn't want to, but finally gives in and Kate is able to talk to Jack. - Episode 3x7, Not in Portland
Sawyer surprises Pickett and gets control of the gun. He puts Pickett in the cage and rams his head against the shock button until Pickett gets shocked. Sawyer and Kate lock Pickett and Jason in the cage.
Pickett yells for help and when someone comes and opens the cage, they go after Kate and Sawyer, but Alex helps them to escape.
Later, Juliet catches up with him and tells Pickett that they are letting Sawyer, Kate, and Karl go, and that it's Ben's orders. Pickett doesn't believe her and goes after them. He is about to shoot Sawyer when Juliet shoots him.
Portrayed by:Michael Bowen