- Brown, crispy spots on the leaves are most likely the result of too much direct sunlight. Essentially, the leaves have been sunburned. Dracaenas prefer bright, but indirect sunlight, so relocate the plant immediately. That's no guarantee that the leaves will heal; often, sun-scorched leaves die and fall off, but the plant may put out new ones.
- If the spots are gray and look somewhat fuzzy, you likely have a fungal infection. Fungal infections develop from too much water and humidity. Plants that live in a house with humidifiers that run too often will develop fungal infections, as will plants that receive too much water. Stop watering the plant until the top inch of soil is dry. Soak the plant once a week, as Bachmans.com recommends, and don't let the plant sit in a plate of water for more than one or two hours. If you have several plants grouped close together, try giving them some space. Plants that don't get enough air circulation are also at risk for fungal disease.
- Fusarium leaf spot is a serious plant infection. The disease causes spots on the leaves that turn reddish-brown or tan as they develop and often have a yellow margin, according to the University of Florida. The spots can be very small or quite large, up to an inch in diameter. According to the University, Dracaena marginata is most susceptible. This variety has green leaves that are up to 2 feet long with a red edge and pink, white or yellow in the leaves. The varieties D. deremensis and D. fragrans are much more resistant.
- Healthy plants are much less likely to succumb to plant diseases because they are able to defend themselves. Dracaenas are low-maintenance plants. This can be a problem if you're a person who loves to tend to your plants, as you're likely to care for them too much. Too much care often leads to overwatering, which will quickly lead to fungal infections. Make sure the plant is in bright, indirect light. Plants grown in bright light grow faster than those in low light. Water it once a week until water comes out the bottom of the pot. Discard the water that collects in the plate.
Leaf Scorch
Fungal Spots
Fusarium Leaf Spot
General Care of Dracaenas