Why do handsome men marry ugly women? She is overweight, not at all attractive and yet this handsome man has eyes only for her.
Everywhere he goes he gets the immediate attention of beautiful looking women and he acts as if they are invisible.
What is the ugly woman secret.
How did she land him? You are about to discover that there is no secret, she did not chase, bribe, seduce or drug him, yet he finds her exciting and interesting.
Men marry ugly women because he believes he has found his soul mate, his equal and the kind of woman he needs in his life.
Below are three of the most common reasons why men marry ugly women.
She had conducted herself like a real lady (in all things) throughout the courtship.
She has shown that she has great respect for herself and she has made darn certain that he respects her as well.
Men absolutely adore women who are confident and know what they will and will not tolerate.
She has shown him that she can be trusted to keep his innermost secrets.
Men are expected to be strong and to be able to handle whatever comes, but the truth is men have fears and weaknesses as well.
If he can trust you to keep his secrets, he will love you dearly.
This trust factor includes all areas of the relationships.
He will greatly appreciate you and do his best to move heaven and earth for you, just to see a smile on your face.
Be a partner not a burden.
Marriage is a union of two; that is two people working together for the common good of the whole.
Handsome men marry ugly women because he knows that she can handle the ups and downs that often comes with being married.
She is in the marriage for the long-haul and she is quick to pitch in and help if the need arises.
She does not cave or have the attitude "you are the man, take care of it!"
Everywhere he goes he gets the immediate attention of beautiful looking women and he acts as if they are invisible.
What is the ugly woman secret.
How did she land him? You are about to discover that there is no secret, she did not chase, bribe, seduce or drug him, yet he finds her exciting and interesting.
Men marry ugly women because he believes he has found his soul mate, his equal and the kind of woman he needs in his life.
Below are three of the most common reasons why men marry ugly women.
She had conducted herself like a real lady (in all things) throughout the courtship.
She has shown that she has great respect for herself and she has made darn certain that he respects her as well.
Men absolutely adore women who are confident and know what they will and will not tolerate.
She has shown him that she can be trusted to keep his innermost secrets.
Men are expected to be strong and to be able to handle whatever comes, but the truth is men have fears and weaknesses as well.
If he can trust you to keep his secrets, he will love you dearly.
This trust factor includes all areas of the relationships.
He will greatly appreciate you and do his best to move heaven and earth for you, just to see a smile on your face.
Be a partner not a burden.
Marriage is a union of two; that is two people working together for the common good of the whole.
Handsome men marry ugly women because he knows that she can handle the ups and downs that often comes with being married.
She is in the marriage for the long-haul and she is quick to pitch in and help if the need arises.
She does not cave or have the attitude "you are the man, take care of it!"