- The American Academy of Allergy provides scholarships to pay for tuition, fees and books for college students who suffer from allergies.
- Scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 are awarded by the American Council of the Blind to legally blind U.S. citizens each year to assist them in paying college expenses.
- The Travelers Protective Association of America provides grants to assist deaf or nearly deaf individuals with attaining specialized education or help with paying for note takers or medical devices.
- United Student Aid Funds provides grant money through the Access to Education Scholarship program. The grant amount is $1,500 per award for students who have disabilities.
- The National MS Society Scholarship Program provides educational scholarships to students with multiple sclerosis or students whose parents have multiple sclerosis.
AAA Scholarships
ACB Scholarships
TPA Scholarships
USA Funds
MS Society