Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Keeping Home Belongings Safe in Summer

The old song says, "Summer time, and the livin' is easy...
" This little ditty refers to that lovely laziness that sets in when the weather gets hot, but when it comes to protecting your home from theft you can never get lazy.
Summer is a popular time for burglaries due to families going on vacation: so it's essential to be vigilant while at home and take the proper precautions before going away.
Here are some ideas.
Teach your children about the importance of keeping doors locked during the day when they are home.
Most home invasions happen in broad daylight and kids need to be as careful about preventing easy accessibility as their parents.
Now that they are home from school, they need reminders about not opening doors to strangers.
Mind that garage door! An open garage door is an invitation to anyone and everyone to come on in and take whatever they see.
Many thefts are crimes of opportunity: don't make it easy for the bad guys! Light up your home exterior.
Thieves hate being at risk for detection, especially when they operate at night.
Installing plenty of motion sensor lighting in your yard area, over entryways and on the corners of your home is a great deterrent to crime of all kinds.
When on vacation, make sure to put your interior lights on a timer and keep some of your blinds or drapes open to make it look like people are home.
Nothing invites a burglar more than an all-dark house with all the windows shuttered.
Landscape near your window areas using prickly-type bushes, especially around basement window wells.
Thieves are opportunists, and since this type of strategy makes breaking and entering difficult, they are likely to move on to another house rather than risk getting injured.
Invest in an alarm system and use it even when you are at home in the middle of the day.
The alarm noise just might frighten off any intruders and save both your family and your belongings.
No matter how many precautions you take, you still may fall victim to burglars while you are away on vacation or out running errands.
Protect your most precious belongings by storing them in a high quality home safe.
Such a storage system is perfect for safeguarding jewelry, cash, prescription drugs and anything else of value that burglars might look for.
But choose carefully because not all products are created equal: it's worth buying home safes from a reputable manufacturer with a proven track record of all-around excellence and convenience.
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