An explosive novel based on historical facts expertly projected into a suspenseful storyline, Gérard de Marçoux reveals the culmination of thousands of years of religious conflict coming to an End Time Prophecy in his book titled, "Yawm ad-Din Protocols: Islam and the End Times.
" Set in the not-too-distant future, Pope Enyo I learned of a terrorist plot by Al Sayyad to blow up St.
Peter's Basilica in the Vatican during an upcoming meeting of the ecumenical council.
This would be Christianity's 9-11, a wake up of the Muslim's mandi, or victory; the beginning of the end of time as written in the Holy Qur'an.
The Jihad of centuries will culminate with the black flag of Islam flying atop all world capitals.
Shari'a law will engulf all lands and the practices of non-Islamic faiths would cease to exist, forcing conversion to Islam or receiving the Red Death - decapitation by the sword.
As Christianity struggles against predictable annihilation, Pope Enyo enlists the service of his holy knight Siegfried von Hirshhorn, as he is briefed on the situation and equipped with a team and outfitted with weaponry.
Working in concert with Israel's Mossad, he orchestrates a counter terrorism force from the convent of San Teodora, located outside of Rome, immune to all governmental laws; working under direct orders from the Vatican.
Written with such convincing realism and underscored by extraordinary acumen to historical accuracy, Marçoux transports the reader into the hallowed halls of the Vatican; behind the facades presented to the public.
He reveals the intricate workings of Christianity's Pontiff with uniquely bold and uncanny realism in character and situational development.
From the highest echelons of religious and governmental authority, the sematic alert of the western cultures rally to the unsought threat of religious and cultural annihilation.
Gérard de Marçoux examines the ideologies of Islam, contorting from its religious roots into a political system.
With an unprecedented understanding of history not attained by those outside the branches of theological studies, he reveals, almost effortlessly, the precursors which have occurred molding our society and pushing it to the breaking point of international violence and terror.
Woven into a novel of suspense, action and good versus evil, Marçoux captivates the reader with his enlightening wisdom.
Rarely does a book of this caliber emerge with such educational sustenance along with exquisite finesse of character and plot development.
Artfully clad in a cover showing the bloody sword by which death will come to all infidels, Yawm ad-Din Protocols is not only entertaining but immensely informative.
A mature read, not held back by frivolous tangents of unnecessary verbiage, Gérard de Marçoux unleashes a vernacular of multiple languages, titles, names and locations flaunting his mastery of knowledge.
Ideally poised to be picked up by Hollywood and made into a blockbuster movie, it will definitely change your view of the world; as did the collapse of the World Trade Center twin towers.
You will come to understand the meaning of the word Maranatha.
" Set in the not-too-distant future, Pope Enyo I learned of a terrorist plot by Al Sayyad to blow up St.
Peter's Basilica in the Vatican during an upcoming meeting of the ecumenical council.
This would be Christianity's 9-11, a wake up of the Muslim's mandi, or victory; the beginning of the end of time as written in the Holy Qur'an.
The Jihad of centuries will culminate with the black flag of Islam flying atop all world capitals.
Shari'a law will engulf all lands and the practices of non-Islamic faiths would cease to exist, forcing conversion to Islam or receiving the Red Death - decapitation by the sword.
As Christianity struggles against predictable annihilation, Pope Enyo enlists the service of his holy knight Siegfried von Hirshhorn, as he is briefed on the situation and equipped with a team and outfitted with weaponry.
Working in concert with Israel's Mossad, he orchestrates a counter terrorism force from the convent of San Teodora, located outside of Rome, immune to all governmental laws; working under direct orders from the Vatican.
Written with such convincing realism and underscored by extraordinary acumen to historical accuracy, Marçoux transports the reader into the hallowed halls of the Vatican; behind the facades presented to the public.
He reveals the intricate workings of Christianity's Pontiff with uniquely bold and uncanny realism in character and situational development.
From the highest echelons of religious and governmental authority, the sematic alert of the western cultures rally to the unsought threat of religious and cultural annihilation.
Gérard de Marçoux examines the ideologies of Islam, contorting from its religious roots into a political system.
With an unprecedented understanding of history not attained by those outside the branches of theological studies, he reveals, almost effortlessly, the precursors which have occurred molding our society and pushing it to the breaking point of international violence and terror.
Woven into a novel of suspense, action and good versus evil, Marçoux captivates the reader with his enlightening wisdom.
Rarely does a book of this caliber emerge with such educational sustenance along with exquisite finesse of character and plot development.
Artfully clad in a cover showing the bloody sword by which death will come to all infidels, Yawm ad-Din Protocols is not only entertaining but immensely informative.
A mature read, not held back by frivolous tangents of unnecessary verbiage, Gérard de Marçoux unleashes a vernacular of multiple languages, titles, names and locations flaunting his mastery of knowledge.
Ideally poised to be picked up by Hollywood and made into a blockbuster movie, it will definitely change your view of the world; as did the collapse of the World Trade Center twin towers.
You will come to understand the meaning of the word Maranatha.