Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Prevent Hair Loss - Herbs May Help Prevent Hair Loss

I can remember the few months that caused me to get interested in preventing hair loss.
I remember being terrified every time I combed my hair or dried it off with a towel.
I even resorted to trying not to touch my hair in hopes that that would prevent it from falling out.
After worrying for a few months I finally decided to take some action.
I really didn't want to go to the doctor and get prescribed Propecia, and hair plugs were just out of the question for me.
I decided to do my own research and look into hair loss herbs that prevent hair loss.
In my research I found the name of a commonly sold herb called Saw Palmetto.
When taken regularly, this herb can be just as effective as prescription drugs.
This piqued my interest...
why? Because I really do not like taking prescription medications.
If I was to take something my doctor gave me...
it would be for the rest of my life.
That's just not something I was willing to do.
Back in the day Saw Palmetto was used to treat enlarged prostates.
Scientist weren't exactly sure how it worked but the herb inhibited Androgen.
This got people to thinking...
Androgen also causes baldness...
What if we used it as a hair loss herb? Saw Palmetto is said to work by prevent your testosterone from being transformed into DHT.
DHT is responsible for the symptoms of male pattern baldness.
When the herb inhibits this process, there is increased blood and oxygen flow to your scalp.
It is said that this herb works in the same way as a prescription medication.
I personally take it twice daily ad I have never noticed any side effect from it.
I also use Rogaine on a daily basis.
The combination of Saw Palmetto and Rogaine has given me terrific results.
I still have hair...
and it seems to be thicker and fuller than it used to be.
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