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"Happily Ever After" Recap

George opens the limo door as Desmond approaches. "That bad, huh?"

"Is there any alcohol in this car?"

"Oh, yeah, whatever you need."

He gets in and pours a drink. George asks where to, and Desmond tells him to just drive.

There is a knock at the window. Desmond rolls down the window and says, "Yes?"

It's Daniel Faraday . "Mr. Hume, my name is Daniel, Daniel Widmore. We need to talk."

They walk down the sidewalk and Desmond says, "Look, um, Mr.


"Dan, please call me Dan. Mr. Widmore is my father."

"Dan, if this is about Charlie Pace not being able to perform with you, I'm very sorry."

Daniel sits on a bench. "Do you believe in love at first sight, Mr. Hume?"

Desmond chuckles. "Excuse me?"

"The first time I saw her, I was walking through this museum a few weeks ago. She works there, she was on her lunch break. She was eating a chocolate bar. She has these incredible blue, blue eyes, red hair, and as soon as I saw her, right in that moment, it was like I was already in love with her, and that's when things got weird." He pulls out his journal. "That same night after I saw that woman, I woke up and I wrote this."

"So what is it?"

"I'm a musician. I have no idea. So I took it to my friend at Cal Tech. He's a math wiz. He said this is quantum mechanics. He said that these equations are so advanced that only someone who had been studying physics their whole life could come up with them."

"So what do they mean?"

"Okay," Daniel says.

"Imagine something terrible is about to happen, something catastrophic, and the only way to stop it from happening is by releasing a huge amount of energy. Like setting off a nuclear bomb."

"You want to set off a nuclear bomb?"

"Just listen. What if this, all this, what if this wasn't supposed to be our life? What if we had some other life and for some reason we changed things? I don't want to set off a nuclear bomb, Mr. Hume, I think I already did."

"Listen, mate, I don't know what this has to do with me."

"Why did you ask my mother about a woman named Penny?" Desmond doesn't answer and Daniel says, "It happened to you too, didn't it? You felt it."

"I don't know. I don't know what I felt."

"Yes, you do. You felt love."

"That's impossible, because I don't know anything about this woman. I don't know where she is. I don't even know if she exists. She's an idea."

"No, Mr. Hume, she's my half-sister. And I can tell you exactly where and when you can find her."

Desmond goes to the stadium. He sees Penny running up and down the stairs. She stops and checks her watch and then sits and towels off her face. She says hi and Desmond says, "Excuse me, are you Penny?"

"Uh, yes."

"Hello, I'm Desmond." He extends his hand.

Desmond Agrees
Desmond wakes on the island in the electromagnetic room. People open the door and come in. Zoe checks him, and Seamus says, "He's okay."

"Indeed he is," Charles says. "How are you, Desmond? How are you feeling?"

"Fine. How long was I unconscious for?"

"Not more than a few seconds," Charles says.

Desmond asks Charles to help him up and Charles does. "I'm really sorry we had to do this to you, Desmond. But as I told you, your talent is vital to our mission. So if you just let me explain."

"It's alright, I understand."


"I understand. You told me you brought me to the island to do something important."


"When do we start?"

Desmond walks through the jungle with Zoe and some of her men. "What happened to you?" she asks.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, twenty minutes ago you were beating the crap out of Widmore with an IV stand, and now you're Mr. Cooperative."

"A lot can happen in twenty minutes."

"Sure it can. That thing fried your brain."

Desmond smiles. "Did it?"

"Whatever. It doesn't change that you're going to--"

Sayid attacks Zoe's men and then tells her to run, which she does.

"Desmond, I don't have time to explain," Sayid says, "but these people are extremely dangerous. We need to go now."

Desmond has a smirk on his face and says, "Aye, okay. Lead the way."

Desmond wakes up in the stadium to Penny asking if he's okay.

"What happened?"

"Well I shook your hand and then you fainted. I must have quite an effect on you."

Desmond laughs. "Aye, you must have."

"Have we met before?"

"I think we would remember it if we had."

"Well as long as you're sure you're alright." She starts to leave.

"Hey listen. Would you like to go for a coffee?"

"What? Now? I'm a sweaty mess."

"I just fainted in front of you. I think we're even."

She smiles. "There's a coffee shop on the corner of Sweetzer and Melrose. I'll meet you there in an hour." She leaves, looking back at him and smiling.

Desmond goes and gets into the limo. George says, "So, did you find what you were looking for?"

"Yes, George, I did. Corner of Melrose and Sweetzer, please."

"You bet. And if there's anything else I can do for you, you just name it."

"Actually, there is one thing, George. Can you get me the manifest from my flight from Sydney? Just the names of the passengers?"

"Sure I can. Mind if I ask you what you need it for?"

"I just need to show them something."
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