Health & Medical Acne

How To Cure Acne - Understanding The Condition And The Potential Cures

Before you start to understand how to cure acne, you need to understand what causes it.
Acne is a condition that can start during puberty The many transformations that the human body needs to under at puberty often gives rise to conditions that result in people getting teenage acne.
The primary culprit in this process is the production of large amounts of androgen.
This results in, among other things, the growth of thicker and denser hair in various parts of the body.
The oil glands begin to produce more oil and the the growth of the hairs produces microscopic lesions in the skin which we can only detect as mild irritations.
Bacterial infections that are trapped under the skin by fatty deposits result in acne In those areas of the skin where oil glands proliferate, the pores may be clogged by the production of oil and we see whiteheads and blackheads.
In many situations, there occur not only clogging, but also infiltration of bacteria into the skin.
In places where the pores are clean, bacteria are flushed out with the sweat but if the bacteria are trapped by fatty residue, they create foci of infection that we see as pinheads, pimples, nodules and boils.
Those are all different grades and degrees of infection caused by bacteria trapped under the skin.
How to cure acne with the right diet Because a person can reduce the among of oil his body produces, it is possible for him to control, if not completely prevent, the emergence of acne.
Restraining the intake of fatty foods is, obviously, one of the first actions that an individual should resort to.
This means refraining from foods that are encountered at restaurants and fast foods.
Keeping a strict regimen of fish, sea shells and potatoes can reduce the breakout of acne.
Fish and sea shells not only reduce the oil that we take into the body but they also contain zinc, a mineral that is very effective in disinfecting the skin and preventing it from acquiring lesions easily.
In the same regard, taking plenty of vitamin C daily is also effective.
Rather than taking in plenty of starchy foods, people with acne should eat foods rich in protein.
In fact, consulting with a good nutritionist is something that people with acne problems should do.
That is practically the only way they can ascertain that the percentage of carbohydrates is no more than 50 % of their food intake.
Studies have subsisting on a proteinaceous diet prevents the oil glands from over-producing lubricants.
The correct proportion of vitamins taken in every day, helps the skin from getting lacerated easily and promotes the healing of wounds.
Acne can be alleviated by keeping the skin clean In addition to their diet, persons affected with acne can do things to prevent the outbreak of acne on their faces.
On of those recommended activities is to wash the skin with disinfectant sulfur soap once after waking up and once before going to bed.
In this regard, the sulfur soap to be used should be pure and not impregnated with oily cosmetics.
Honey packs and garlic packs can also help considerably in preventing and controlling the growth of pimples and boils.
Hair should also be washed before going to bed.
Great quantities of dirt may accumulate in it during the day and this dirt will be rubbed into the skin as the person tosses and turns during sleep.
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