Home & Garden Antiques & Arts & Crafts

HO Model Trains - Today"s Standard Scale

Model train enthusiasts have many different preferences and requirements.
Some like trains that run through the garden, back yard, or park.
Others may have plenty of indoor space that can handle a major train layout.
Still others might have less space, but still want it to accommodate a complete setup.
Model train makers seek to meet these needs by offering model trains in several sizes, or scales.
Of the large-scale trains, the most popular size is O.
The scale for O is 1:48, meaning that it is one-48th the size of an actual real-world train.
The gauge for O (the width of the track, between the rails) is 1 1/4 inch.
HO - continental Europe's and North America's most popular model railway scale - is half the size of the larger O scale (HO stands for "half of O").
The HO scale is 1:87.
In the UK, OO scale is the most popular.
In this case, trains are built to a larger scale than HO, but they still use HO gauge track (16.
5 mm or 0.
65 inch).
HO scale is popular because it is small enough to allow the creative use of scenery without sacrificing too much space.
But it is also large enough to allow a great amount of detail in locomotives, rolling stock, and accessories.
HO train cars and landscape elements are big enough for children to handle without much risk of small parts or tiny components being swallowed by accident.
For many model railroaders, the HO scale provides the right balance between the detail of larger scales and the lower space requirements of smaller scales.
HO model trains, which first appeared in the UK during the 1930s, were introduced as an alternative to the then standard OO scale.
But OO scale was already well established and therefore the HO scale had a hard time competing.
Luckily, hobbyists in the United States during the late 1950s were demanding more realistic toys.
This high demand allowed the HO scale model trains to succeed throughout the 1960s and their popularity continues right up to the present time.
More than two-thirds of train lovers prefer HO to other scales.
Due to the growing popularity of the HO scale, many companies produce a great array of locomotives, sets, accessories, and rolling stock.
As of 2008, approximately 70 significant manufacturers and marketers of HO railroad equipment were active.
Train enthusiasts can find HO scale train sets with ready-to-run trains and modular track, high quality kits, supplies for scratch-building, and even limited-edition locomotive models.
Today's HO trains run on two-rail track, powered by direct current or by Digital Command Control.
Some trains, notably those of Germany's Maerklin, run on alternating current.
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