- Fruit flies are often confused with small gnats. They can enter the house from fruit or vegetables grown in the garden, or from grocery produce like bananas, potatoes, onions or other unrefrigerated produce. Fruit flies lay their eggs near the surface of moist, organic materials and the larvae hatch and continue to feed on that material. They can lay about 500 eggs at a time, and the life cycle from egg to adult can be completed in a week. Fruit flies also can contaminate food with bacteria or other disease-producing organisms.
- The first thing to do if fruit flies are seen in the home is to get rid of any ripe or rotting fruit. Place fruit in the refrigerator or cover the fruit completely. Clean counters, drains, garbage disposals and trash cans thoroughly and keep them clean to prevent fruit flies. Even mops and cleaning rags can attract fruit flies. Make sure no fruit flies are infesting fruit or vegetables brought into the home, and keep garbage out of the house. Also ensure that screens and windows are tightly sealed to keep fruit flies out.
- The best way to get rid of fruit flies in the home is to use natural products. Fruit flies are attracted to wine and balsamic vinegar. Make a trap by putting balsamic vinegar and a couple drops of dish soap in a wide-mouth dish, and leave it out overnight. The fruit flies are attracted to the smell of the balsamic vinegar because they think it is rotting fruit. They will climb in the dish and drown because they cannot get out. Some people place plastic wrap over the dish and punch holes in the wrap. This will trap the fruit flies; they can crawl in through the holes in the wrap but cannot crawl back out.
- Using wine, balsamic or even apple cider vinegar is an effective way to get rid of fruit flies. It will probably take several applications until all the flies are eliminated, as new eggs will be hatching. After 48 hours, change the solution and place the solution throughout the house wherever the fruit flies are spotted. Make sure the house stays free of fermenting fruit, and keep drains clean and garbage out of the house. Eventually the problem will be solved.
Fruit Flies
Getting Rid of Fruit Flies
Balsamic Vineger
Eliminate Fruit Flies