Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Cures For Morning Sickness - 5 Ways To Find Fast Relief

Morning sickness is one of the most dreaded parts of a pregnancy, and all women want fast cures for morning sickness.
No woman says to herself, 'I am so glad to be pregnant; I am especially looking forward to the morning sickness.
' This is one of the dreaded side-effects of being pregnant that most women experience.
While there are some remedies that can help alleviate some of the symptoms, there are no fast 'cures for morning sickness.
' Morning sickness is a very normal part of almost every woman's pregnancy.
Not all women are going to have this sickness, but at least 90-95% of women will experience the nausea and sickness that are all-too-common among the expecting.
The following are some ideas that may help the expecting mother to deal with the morning sickness, and although there are no cures for morning sickness, these will help alleviate the symptoms.
When planning out your meals, try to drink your liquids in between your meals, rather than during.
This can help lighten the load on your stomach and keep you more on your toes throughout the day.
Do not reduce the amount of liquids that you drink, for liquids-especially water-is very important for the mother and the baby inside.
Do however plan out your liquid consumption and stagger it around meals.
Eating Saltine crackers is a favorite among pregnant mothers.
Also, any type of dry bread or crackers will generally help settle an upset stomach.
Eggs can be a good food as well, as they are generally lighter on the stomach.
Mind the cheese and onions added to the eggs however, as these can produce more stomach acid and more indigestion than what is wanted.
It is also generally better to eat smaller meals more times per day than it is to focus on the 'three squares' each day-trying to pack as much as possible into each meal.
Rice can be another pleasing food that goes down easy into the stomach and is also easily digested.
Avoid the red meats generally.
Whatever is more difficult to digest you will want to steer clear of.
Many cereals are fitting for expecting moms and milk can often be a good stomach-settling agent.
Try out these different food combinations and note the ones that leave you feeling sick, lethargic or nauseous.
Try also some ginger chews which have been known for centuries to reduce the morning sickness symptoms.
Talk also with other moms who are going through the same or have been there before; your doctor can also give you some useful advice.
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