Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Stop Smoking Methods - Using Herbs to Quit Smoking Easily

If you think stopping smoking is difficult just look at the statistics.
Just eight percent of smokers are able to quit cold turkey first time out.
Most would-be ex-smokers need support and these range from props such as patches, nicotine gum and inhalers, to modern drugs such as Zyban, to alternative methods such as acupuncture and pressure points.
All these quit smoking methods have these pros and cons but perhaps the safest and most effective method is the use of herbs for quitting smoking.
Tobacco itself is a plant so there's a certain logic to using other plants to fight its effects.
In this article we'll look at three of the more effective herbs - ginger, licorice and peppermint.
Ginger is a wonderful herb for digestive problems.
This is important because quitting smokers sometimes experience stomach problems such as indigestion, cramps and constipation.
The main benefit of ginger for smokers however is its anti-emetic properties.
This means it relieves the nausea some smokers feel as a withdrawal symptom.
This is especially if they are using drugs such as Zyban which can have nausea as a side effect.
Ginger is also a warming herb and can help with the tightness in the chest that many quitting smokers feel when the body tenses as it craves nicotine.
Licorice is another tried and tested weapon against the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
Its main effect is to help remove accumulated toxins from the body where they've built up over years of smoking.
Licorice also helps alleviate symptoms of depression and fatigue, both common with those fighting nicotine addiction.
And chewing the root works wonders for the dry mouth that follows quitting smoking.
Finally there's peppermint which works in many ways to help with nicotine withdrawal.
Its main effect is to clear the lungs and respiratory passages and so helps to make breathing easier.
It also helps to calm nerves and soothe headaches that accompany nicotine withdrawal symptoms and the use of drugs such as Zyban.
The main drawback with using herbs to quit smoking is knowing which herb to use at which time and in which dose.
The best way to handle this is to use a commercial preparation which has been specially prepared for smokers wishing to quit.
So make herbs part of your quit smoking program and get free of nicotine today.
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