Health & Medical Nutrition

How Juicing Can Benefit Your Health

Have you read the news or seen commercials for a juicer and wondered what was all about? You might think to yourself that it could not possibly be any more beneficial to juice the raw vegetables and fruits, but you would be incorrect, because there is a huge difference between eating your veggies and fruits and juicing them.
One of the things that many people do not realize is that raw vegetables are much better for you than when they are cooked because many people overcook the vegetables and in fact, they cook all the nutrients out.
However, the majority of Americans do not like eating raw vegetables, and therefore they steam, boil, and even fry them thinking they are getting all the goodness the vegetables have to offer.
When you juice the raw fruits and vegetables, the juicer is actually squeezing out all the nutrients the product has inside, when you drink this, you are getting mega doses of vitamins, minerals, and tons of antioxidants, which means you have more energy to get through your day, more energy to exercise, and more energy to keep fit.
You might wonder why is squeezing the liquid from the fruits and vegetables so effective and healthy.
In the 1950's parents (mothers in particular) juiced oranges because there was no such thing as ready-made orange juice.
Of course, the juicing process was terribly time consuming, but families did have the right idea about juicing, even if it was a more primitive way.
By the 1970's everything began showing up as ready-made, so mothers put away their manual juicing machines and purchased ready-made orange juice and many other juices.
The problem with this is they were loaded with sugars and not natural like previously juicing fresh oranges along with the pulp.
Today, juicing has made a tremendous comeback and consumers can purchase juicers for reasonable prices and make their own juicing concoctions.
One of the main reasons juicing is so beneficial is because the juice requires practically zero digestion effort; it is absorbed into your bloodstream rather quickly.
In addition, and something that is often not discussed is that the juicing cleanses the liver by detoxifying it and helping it work more efficiently.
Improving your liver function affects everything else in your body, remember, your liver is what works to constantly cleansing the blood.
This means if you liver is healthier and cleaner, so is your blood that in turn improves your digestion, mental focus, skin, and hair.
Juicing in the beginning may seem hard, but it takes a small learning curve to get the hang of it and before long, you will be mixing favorites for you and your family.
The best way to begin is by juicing fruits that you already enjoy eating, because mixing these together in a juicer will taste very refreshing.
When are ready to venture out, begin juicing some vegetables that you like, but mix in an apple or some other fruit that you enjoy, that way it will be naturally sweet.
Finally, it is best to drink the juice within 30 minutes of making it since this when it is most potent.
Ensure you clean your juicer very well with each use, otherwise is pieces of fruit and vegetables can be stuck to the inside.
At least rinse it well when finished and then you can wash all the removable parts later.
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