Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

How Does Emergency Contraception Work?

How Does Emergency Contraception Work?

How Does Emergency Contraception Work?

In this article

Types of Emergency Contraception continued...

Until recently, you had to be 17 or older to get Plan B One-Step without a prescription. But the FDA removed the age restriction, so now people of any age should be able to buy Plan B One-Step without a prescription.

If you're 17 or older, you can get generic levonorgestrel -- like My Way or Next Choice -- without a prescription. If you're under 17, you need a prescription.

Also, research shows that Plan B One-Step starts to lose its effectiveness in women heavier than 165 pounds. It's not recommend for anyone over this weight -- instead, a copper-T IUD is the suggested option.

Besides levonorgestrel, other options include:

Ella. This form of emergency contraception doesn't use hormones. Instead, it's a drug called ulipristal acetate that blocks the effects of your own hormones. It's effective up to 5 days after sex. You need a prescription to get it. If you think you may already be pregnant, check with a doctor before using Ella. If you are, you should not take this drug.

Combination pills. These are regular birth control pills with progesterone and estrogen. If you take them at a higher dose within 3 to 5 days of sex, they act as emergency contraception. But they may not work as well as other types. Side effects, like nausea, may also be worse. Do not take regular birth control this way unless you talk to your doctor first.

Copper-T IUD. This is a different approach. A doctor will place a small plastic and copper IUD -- intrauterine device -- into your uterus. The copper seems to stop the sperm from fertilizing the egg, preventing pregnancy.

The advantage of the IUD is women can use it as long-term birth control -- it works for up to 10 years -- but it also works as emergency contraception if you get it within 5 days of sex. It may work better than pills, but getting it in time can be tricky.

Your doctor needs to put in the IUD. She'll also have to remove it before you can have children. This approach may be best for women who were already looking for long-term birth control.
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