Health & Medical Parenting

Top Fatherhood Blog Posts of 2010

After a couple of hundred blog posts in 2010, this list is a retrospective of my favorite posts and what they contributed to the dialog on father's issues and fatherhood in 2010.

1. Statistics on Fatherless Children in America

The number and incidence of children growing up in fatherless homes in 2010 continues to grow.  This blog post highlighted recent U.S. Census Bureau statistics about the challenges of fatherlessness in America.More »

2. Social Networking 101

Dads are just entering into the social networking world, and this post included a link to an article in the New York Times that explained social networking opportunities to people not yet involved.More »

3. The Jessi Slaughter Story and a Warning

The Jessi Slaughter story gained national attention.  Jessi is an 11 year old girl who was the vicitm of some natsy online rumors, and she posted a retaliatory video on YouTube and 4Chan.  She became somewhat of an overnight Internet sensation.  But her story was a wake-up call for parents to better monitor children and their activities online.More »

4. Column on NFL Player

Columnist Mitch Albom wrote a column in September about 26 year old New York Jets player Antonio Cromartie for having fathered 8 children with 6 women and not even being able to remember their names. His column was an indictment of celebrity fathers (and others) who irresponsibly father children without commitment to the mothers.More »

5. Married But Sleeping Alone

The National Sleep Foundation discovered that nearly one in four American couples sleep separately.  The blog post highlighed another New York Times article about this phenomenon and what it means to marriage and families in America.More »

6. A Father's Guide to the Disney Princesses

This blog post highlighted some articles that I had a lot of fun writing.  So many dads of little girls are experiencing the Disney Princess phenomenon, and sometimes the princess vernacular can be a foreign language to fathers.  So this blog post highlighted information that every dad needs to know about the Disney princesses.More »

7. A Model for Understanding Family Communication

As a part of my Power Principles for Successful Fathers series, this post highlighted an article about family communications and how bets to understand how communication works and what a dad can do to improve communication at home.  The Schramm model that I used in the piece is really a good framework for understanding family communications.More »

8. The Ethan Stacy Tragedy

This was my most commented blog post of the year and related the story of Ethan Stacy.  Little Ethan was killed by his mother and stepfather during a summer visitation.  His biological dad, who had legal custody, did not want to send Ethan to his mother's home because of her new husband, who the dad thought was dangerous and unstable.  Ethan's dad's worst fears were realized, and the case has led to a reexamination of fathers' rights among legislators and members of the legal community.More »

9. DigiBeanz - A New Digital Allowance Concept

In this post in August, I featured the new online tool DigiBeanz.  The concept is that a parent posts online a list of chores or other things that their children can do to earn DigiBeanz, and the kids and parents post their progress online.  When they reach a given threshhold, the children can cash in their DigiBeanz for video games, MP3 players, and other items.  I had lots of feedback from dads about how much they liked the concept, and what they were doing with this great new tool.More »

10. Obituary of a Committed Father

This post was very personal to me as I lost one of my good friends this year to an unexpected heart attack.  What I loved about this story was the obituary.  My friend was at the top of his profession and well respected in his community, but his obituary mentioned none of that - it was all about his commitment to his family.  I came away from his funeral and my reflections on our friendship over the years a better father and husband, and with a greater commitment to my own personal health.More »
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