Health & Medical Nutrition

The Importance of Calcium in Our Nutrition

We can find calcium in milk and its entire product, as main role in any age meal, dinner or breakfast.
The milk and its product take huge place in our nutrition.
It's important to remember that we can find calcium in other types of food.
Calcium is a major component of bones and teeth and other functions like blood clotting assistance, transfer of nerve impulses, regulation of heart rate and operation of muscle including heart muscle.
Calcium balance Calcium is store in the bones.
In the situation that there isn't enough calcium for the body to function normally, the calcium will move from the bones to the blood, which can lead to Loatdldlvtan, fractures and various bone diseases such as Austiauproses.
The important its in all stages of life, if it's in childhood when bone mass is built.
Even after we stop grow, its peak is during our twenties.
That way it's very important to keep bone mass.
After our twenties bone mass will not rise.
But we can keep the same bone mass by keep consuming food that are rice with calcium.
As we get older special when woman get to menopause that can cause formation of Austiauproses.
Osteoporosis or bone loss from the bones is a disease which is caused by the depletion of the bone components.
Bone loses its strength and become more fragile.
The bone loss process start at man and woman after the age of 35, is increased in women after childbearing years Dietary recommendations and daily consumption of calcium vary depending on age groups: Children up to age 10 years: 800-1200 mg a day.
Adulthood adolescence: 1200-1500 mg a day.
Women of childbearing age: 1000-1200 mg a day.
Reproductive age women after taking hormone exchange 1,000 mg a day.
Foods that contain good amounts of calcium, such as various soy products (tofu, tempeh, soy flour, soy milk and soy yogurt), green leafy vegetables (some of them contain some acid Aoksalit inhibits absorption of various minerals, but not the entire amount), beans, nuts (especially almonds), sesame products (halva, tahini, sesame sprouts, ground sesame seeds, sesame butter) and many fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, various sprouts, okra, figs (dried and fresh).
Calcium is also a nice amount of various carob products (pollen, honey, spreads, beverages, chocolate and carob themselves of course)
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