Health & Medical Nutrition

Vegan - Natural Health, The Way It Was Meant To Be

Let's face it, something is not right with the way things are.
Why is it that in the poorer regions of China hardly know what obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer are, yet in the West, with all our modern medicine, wealth, knowledge and access to food, we have epidemics that cause us to suffer so much.
No longer do our loved ones die of old age, but usually heart disease.
No longer is old age a time of happiness for many, as it is usually riddled with arthritis, osteoporosis, heart problems and other "modern" diseases.
Why does this happen, there must be something we are doing wrong.
Yes there is, it's our food.
Dr T.
Colin Campbell thought animal protein was necessary for good health, and he set off to the remote regions of China, where they predominately live on a vegan diet, and he discovered the opposite.
Test after test showed that our "poorer" friends in China were in fact healthier than us.
They live longer, and their quality of health far exceeds anything we have in the modern world while consuming meat.
Heart disease and diabetes were almost non existent, and so was cancer and obesity.
The Doctor was shocked and wrote a book called The China Study, that expounds the myth that a meat diet is needed for human health.
The results are indisputable.
But what about calcium, protein and iron? Don't we need to drink milk to get calcium, and eat meat to get protein.
The answers are no.
In fact the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine did a study that showed that consuming milk does not add to bone density.
This is due to the high amount of sulfur containing amino acids in the milk, which acidifies the body and actually leaches calcium from the bones.
And what about protein? Actually vegans can be extremely strong, a quick search on Google for "vegan body builder" quickly dispels that myth.
Many vegan foods are high in protein, calcium, iron and all other nutrients.
Besides the RDA of protein for the average man is only 60 grams a day, yet most of us eat that much just for breakfast.
In fact too much protein is killing us! So what are some of the things you can eat as a vegan? The list is endless, basically anything that does not come from an animal, including milk, eggs, fish and any other kind of meat.
The good news is that it's been made simple these days to switch.
In most health shops and supermarkets today you can buy "mock meats", which are made to taste, cook, and feel like real meat, but are made from plants such as soy, wheat and rice.
They are spiced very well, and most people don't even notice the difference, and as a bonus there is no cholesterol, saturated fat, hormones or other nasties that are common in meat products.
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