- Tax Counseling for the Elderly is a program that provides free tax services to individuals aged 60 and older. Volunteers from area nonprofit organizations are trained in preparing federal income tax returns, and answering basic questions related to filing taxes. The volunteers are often retired individuals themselves. Both private and nongovernmental nonprofit organizations receive grant funds from the IRS to operate the TCE program. These organizations use the funds to train volunteers and reimburse them for any out-of-pocket expenses they have traveling to locations where they provide tax counseling assistance to senior taxpayers.
- The AARP Tax-Aide counseling program operates as part of the free TCE program sponsored by the IRS. Trained volunteers who are certified by the IRS assist taxpayers at more than 7,000 Tax-Aide sites nationwide. Individuals who qualify for assistance must be age 60 or older and low-to-middle income. Taxpayers seeking assistance must bring along proof of identification, their Social Security card, a copy of the previous year's state and federal tax returns, wage and earning statements if applicable, and Forms 1099. You must also provide your birth date and the birth date for any dependents listed on your return. You will need to give the routing number and account number for your checking or savings account if you anticipate receiving a refund.
- The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program offers free tax aid to individuals who are unable to prepare their income tax returns on their own. Trained volunteers from community nonprofit organizations donate their time and services to help taxpayers who are low-to-moderate income. VITA sites are often located at convenient locations like schools, libraries, community centers and shopping malls during the tax season. The United Way sponsors the VITA program in many communities across the nation. Income guidelines differ depending on whether you file as single or married. The number of individuals in your household can affect eligibility as well.
- Any taxpayer can use IRS Free File, regardless of age or income. Free File is a cooperative effort between the IRS and commercial tax software companies. The service offers free federal income tax return preparation. Taxpayers with an adjusted gross income of $58,000 or less in 2010 have free use of software to do their taxes. The software gives you step-by-step instructions. You also have the e-file option. If your income is higher than $58,000 for the year, you can use Free File fillable forms to do your taxes.
Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE)
AARP Tax-Aide Counseling Program
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA)
Free File