- Two species of camellia are appropriate espalier choices. Both evergreens come in a variety of cultivars. The camellia (Camellia japonica) grows to 15 feet with a 10-foot spread. It has stiff branches covered in dense, glossy foliage and produces 5-inch white, pink, red or multicolored flowers from winter through spring. The sasanqua camellia (C. sasanqua) grows quickly to 10 feet with a 7-foot spread. It blooms with 3-inch red, white and pink flowers in fall and has leathery, glossy foliage. Camellias prefer partial shade and moist, acidic soil.
- Photinias make good choices for less-formal espaliers. The Chinese photinia (P. serrulata) grows quickly to 25 feet tall with a 20-foot spread. This drought-tolerant shrub has bronze new growth that matures to a glossy dark green. It produces red fruits. The Japanese or red-tip (P. glabra) grows to 12 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It has red-bronze new foliage. The Fraser (P. x fraseri), a hybrid, grows to 15 feet tall with an equal spread. It tolerates drought and salt spray. These upright evergreens all prefer full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil and bloom in spring with white flowers.
- Though most espalier shrubs are evergreen, deciduous shrubs add colorful fall foliage to flat surfaces. The N.C. State University Extension recommends viburnums for espalier. They grow in a range of sizes, colors and forms, including the bracted viburnum (V. bracteatum), which reaches 10 feet tall with a similar spread. It has thick stems and dark leaves that turn copper and yellow in fall. Bracted viburnum produces white flowers followed by blue-purple fruits. The wayfaringtree viburnum (V. lantana) grows to 15 feet tall with an equal spread. It has blue-green foliage that turns purple and red in fall and produces yellow, red and black drupes in late summer. Both prefer sun to partial shade and well-drained soil.
- The University of Florida Extension recommends juniper (Juniperus spp.) shrubs due to their heat and drought tolerance and variety of available cultivars. For a splash of bright color on a low wall, choose Gold Sovereign (J. x pfitzeriana "Gold Sovereign"). This 2-foot-tall evergreen has bright yellow foliage and retains its color throughout the year. It spreads to 3 feet wide and grows slowly. The Angelica Blue pfitzer (J. chinensis "Angelica Blue") also grows slowly, but reaches heights of 6 feet. This juniper has blue-green foliage and dense branches. Both grow best in full sun and well-drained soil.
- Two species of podocarpus are particularly well suited for espalier. The shrubby podocarpus (P. macrophyllus) grows slowly to 35 feet tall with a 12-foot spread. This evergreen has vertical branches and glossy needles. Male plants produce catkins and females produce edible, purple-red fruits. The weeping podocarpus (P. gracilior) grows up to 30 feet tall and thrives in warm climates. This evergreen has low-growing, pendulous branches covered with bright-green new growth that matures to dark green. Both prefer full sun to partial shade and well-drained to dry soil.