Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Promotional USB Drives Are a Cheap and Effective Way to Advertise

Promotional USB drives, we have all seen them and more than 60% of us have used them at one point or another in our professional and/or personal lives.
USB sticks as they are sometimes known are a fantastic way to get your information from one place to another without needing to share any of it over the internet, through email, or file sharing sites.
Since you are the only one with access to the stick you can rest assured your information is safe.
Offering these drives as a thank you gift to your staff, your clients or customers and even to your potential customers is a great way to let them know you appreciate and respect them.
Promotional USB drives used to be really expensive just like all computer parts and accessories used to be.
I remember when I bought my first ever USB stick, it was the coolest thing ever but I spent 70 on 2 Gigs of memory.
When computers started to appear in people homes a hard drive could easily cost 150 for each gig of space it had.
Now you can easily walk into any retail location that carries computers and computer accessories and purchase a sixteen Gig USB stick for under 40.
Currently hard drives are routinely sold for less than 200 for a hard drive that stores 250 Gigs or more! Promotional USB drives might have seemed like an expensive freebie promotional gift in the past but now is the time to revisit that idea.
Originally only huge companies like IBM, Microsoft, and the like could afford to give such a lavish gift, but what most common folk do not realize is that they are extremely affordable now.
Today is the day to start gifting to your clients in a way that will make your company look like you pull in millions each year.
Most people do not realize a drive can be bought personalized and delivered to your company for only pennies a piece.
You can look like you have money to spare without actually breaking the bank.
Promotional drives are the kind of thing most businesses do not even consider when they are choosing gifts to include in their next promotional merchandise campaign; mostly due to the common misconceptions that come along with them.
Many feel that this type of gift would be really expensive; some think they are not used often enough to be helpful to their clients, while others feel they are not able to have them personalized so their clients will likely forget where they came from.
All of these misconceptions are just that; not accurate.
You can buy them for pennies personalized and delivered, people use them daily in offices, in public places, and in their homes, also they are very easy to have personalized with your company information.
Don't wait! Buy your promotional USB drives and start telling your clients how well your company is doing, and they are appreciated for helping you get to where you are.
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