at the at least our guys on submerge my question sole's stop them just for a quick second if you get on my these thank you Nick got up this is the first time I consumed a lot of good character in mom of two and one mutual I worked up immediately because I feel guilty no forget about on don't do it again reserved only lard I twice yeah I'm not Nazi act let's goober so lease yet but out of this see it object they had a choice importantly have to go and I'm a I'm a big I'm a passer did not see boxing could you please show us my supplement stop all care real quick I want they can now pretty much the same them alright so I homebuilt where are we now saw this is I'll purple K which is a pre out to lean supplement you get no heart already this here is H Mb right need to know this is a con plant that the rise may have from who seem routines the most important army no I think this is one of the most powerful natural anabolic I compound out there HNB Google it or go to bodybuilding not complicated because bar this thing is the real thing obvious don't they can I'll krill dust twitches a I tribal is supplement it is a week version is not the most wrong %uh the strongest one although.
I cannot be the strongest one is too strong for me I cannot handle it I need to a week what does Mike the sauce 100 is already high I'm thinking also I this heel on this is not a supplement those beautiful babe I should take this whose mean right and has also some out to vote antler this year is to support your joints right I'm also taking my little more k-pop why didn't this is not my regular one shoal by on all we specifically designed for man do it is man formal of I have my I only got three is right for the FAA's and also my whey protein upstairs South P much for this time of the year okay let me get up where are we now R&D Shawn Ray I want think we're strongly hews one of the my classic physics II long backing be used to compete at around 2:20 but when he was he was good what is not natural yes they are you not so do not think about taking steroids me knocking both both I hope for our spot my case has been I displayed on one of my videos you can really see my opinion the bottom under the risk on budenzauber I guess so please stop written on the cat some horse other part now why I'm so much I cannot get up again I'm on you some questions or what I'll ask some questions with you guys around certain of our you said that's too much to slice of toast got 52 the guys at once is bigger got fifty lot my big goal has around 38 grams oxcarts was chip on it okay 50 grounds is Joe I don't go over that my opinion is too much for one meal was not like to have to eat so is his new guys how are you going to watch out for Holmes so please stop writing.
questions guys go through Oct cannot follow do in Scopus drops of 21 watchin thank you what is it okay cue left the same day as you train judo I'll loans yeah although I Yacoon Root Max want I while cannot be in the most efficient way for both disciplines it would be better if you both want to different day in my opinion when you go bodybuilding me to commit 1 percent when you get are the gym you exhausted for the rest of the day Morocco yes it'svery okay to eat 250 grounds of beefsteak twice a week that would be good gangster here too weeks into my and 6 news for you the pontiff not enough.
I cannot be the strongest one is too strong for me I cannot handle it I need to a week what does Mike the sauce 100 is already high I'm thinking also I this heel on this is not a supplement those beautiful babe I should take this whose mean right and has also some out to vote antler this year is to support your joints right I'm also taking my little more k-pop why didn't this is not my regular one shoal by on all we specifically designed for man do it is man formal of I have my I only got three is right for the FAA's and also my whey protein upstairs South P much for this time of the year okay let me get up where are we now R&D Shawn Ray I want think we're strongly hews one of the my classic physics II long backing be used to compete at around 2:20 but when he was he was good what is not natural yes they are you not so do not think about taking steroids me knocking both both I hope for our spot my case has been I displayed on one of my videos you can really see my opinion the bottom under the risk on budenzauber I guess so please stop written on the cat some horse other part now why I'm so much I cannot get up again I'm on you some questions or what I'll ask some questions with you guys around certain of our you said that's too much to slice of toast got 52 the guys at once is bigger got fifty lot my big goal has around 38 grams oxcarts was chip on it okay 50 grounds is Joe I don't go over that my opinion is too much for one meal was not like to have to eat so is his new guys how are you going to watch out for Holmes so please stop writing.
questions guys go through Oct cannot follow do in Scopus drops of 21 watchin thank you what is it okay cue left the same day as you train judo I'll loans yeah although I Yacoon Root Max want I while cannot be in the most efficient way for both disciplines it would be better if you both want to different day in my opinion when you go bodybuilding me to commit 1 percent when you get are the gym you exhausted for the rest of the day Morocco yes it'svery okay to eat 250 grounds of beefsteak twice a week that would be good gangster here too weeks into my and 6 news for you the pontiff not enough.