Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

"Having Fun" Vs "Having a Problem" - Where to Draw the Line

One of the main characteristics of the disease of addiction is the loss of the ability to differentiate poor decisions from smart ones.
Many people who are currently in the throws of an addiction deny the possibility that they have become dependent on their previously recreational habit.
Even after making countless poor decisions to obtain their fix, such as stealing from friends and family, and even committing crimes, rarely do they admit that their habits have become an addiction.
The best indication that you have become addicted to drugs or alcohol is to listen to the ones who care about you most.
If your closest friends and family members are telling you that you have a problem, they are probably right.
The disease of addiction clouds judgement and causes the person to deny the presence of an addiction as long as possible.
Sometimes, it takes reaching a "bottom" to allow the addict to realize where their life has gone.
This is the result of a very dramatic occurrence in the life of the addict where it becomes clear the decisions they have made in the past are drastically effecting their life.
Examples of a bottom can be being arrested after committing a crime for drugs, or even overdosing and coming close to dying.
This is known as the point where healing can begin.
After reaching a bottom, many addicts seek the assistance of a Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility to provide therapy and assistance during this challenging time.
Many addicts have found that without the assistance of a trained professional, the probability of achieving long term sobriety is very low.
Having the help of a clinic who's specialty is helping addicts and alcoholics through this extremely sensitive and volatile time can literally be the difference between life and death.
If you or a loved are struggling with addiction to drugs and alcohol, it is extremely important that you seek the help of alcohol and drug treatment professionals in dealing with this matter.
And do some research and find the best program for you.
Make sure the program is custom built around every individual and the client does not receive a cookie cutter treatment program.
Another tell-tale sign of a good treatment center is the credentials of the staff whom will be giving your loved one the treatment.
Make sure every therapist is at least a masters level clinician and insist on having around the clock supervision.
Many treatment facilities cut corners by neglecting these essential details in their program, and you must insist that these criteria are met.
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