- Teachers no longer have automatic tenure after three years. Tenure-like protections will be based on evaluations over a three-year period. The evaluations are a basis for hiring, compensation, promotion, assignment and probationary status decisions.
- An evaluation is given to every teacher at least once a year. The evaluations are graded on a three-tier rating system: highly effective, effective and ineffective. At least 50 percent of the evaluation is based on the academic progress of a teacher's students.
- Teachers with probationary status (new teachers with less than three years) must have three consecutive years of at least an effective rating to gain non-probationary status.
- Non-probationary teachers who receive two consecutive years of unsatisfactory evaluations will return to probationary status. A teacher only can be placed in a school with the consent of the principal and approval of at least two teachers who work at the school. When layoffs are under consideration, effectiveness is considered before seniority.
No Automatic Tenure
Probationary Teachers
Non-Probationary Teachers