Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Dog Breeds That Have Long Black Hair

    Belgian Shepherd

    • The Belgian shepherd is a medium to large dog, with males weighing between 55 and 66 lbs. and females 44 to 55 lbs. Similar to the German shepherd in appearance, the Belgian shepherd is considered a herding dog. Their coats are usually stiff, rough and thick, and can be long or short. They are known for being very alert, intelligent and highly trainable dogs.

    Skye Terrier

    • The Skye terrier is a small- to medium-sized dog. This very laid-back dog is devoted to family and is very in tune with his owner's emotions. Skye terriers come in a variety of colors--fawn, black, gray, blue, silver and cream--and have a double coat, the outer layer being long and flat. The Skye terrier varies in height from 10 to 14 inches and in weight from 25 to 40 lbs.


    • The Newfoundland is a gentle giant, a good-natured family dog. Females weigh between 100 and 130 lbs. and the males are 125 to 150 lbs. The Newfoundland's coat is black or black with white patches, and is course, dense and flat. This dog sheds year round and may not be suitable for people with allergies.

    Longhaired German Shepherds

    • Some German shepherds have a long, silky coat of hair. This variety can usually only be found through breeders specializing in long-haired shepherds. These German shepherds can come in a variety of colors, including black sable. Males and females weigh between 75 and 85 pounds. They are considered very intelligent and loyal dogs.

    Longhaired Dachshund

    • The longhaired dachshund is short in stature and long in length. Miniature dachshunds can weigh up to 11 lbs., although standard-sized Dachshunds can weigh 25 lbs. The coat is usually silky, soft and wavy. Although the dachshund can come in a variety of colors, such as blond, red, black, sable, chocolate and gray, the most common coloring is black and tan. Dachshunds are happy, friendly dogs and get along well with children and other pets.

    Scottish Terriers

    • The coloring of Scottish terriers varies from dark gray to jet-black, although vary rarely they can be a wheat color. Terriers come in toy or small sizes and are between 19 and 25 lbs. They make good indoor dogs and can adjust to life in an apartment. Although they have short legs, they can move very fast and love to dig.

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