Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Are You Ready For H1N1?

Pick up a newspaper or turn the news on and you'll see all kinds of headlines about the H1N1 virus.
The lack of vaccines has been the main story of late, and that issue has overshadowed some other key messages.
As a small business owner I have been wondering how I would continue running things if I fell ill with H1N1.
With that in mind, I have adopted a few principles and thought I'd share a few of these tips with you.
oWashing hands is an absolute must, and it must be done right.
I was recently watching a program and realised that the time taken to wash your hands is important.
Just lathering and rinsing is not good enough.
Washing thoroughly for as long as it takes to sing "Happy Birthday" is required.
oGet into the habit of sneezing and coughing into your sleeve.
This is a hard one for me to adopt, but I am making a conscious effort to remember.
oEncourage kids to avoid putting their fingers in their mouths - this may be tough to do, but it is worth a try.
oHave you considered who will stay home with your children if they get ill? Having your children go to school when they are sick is a no-no.
oCheck your medicine cabinet to ensure your pain and fever medications are not expired, and replace them if they are.
Stock up on tissues.
It may also be a good idea to buy some plain crackers and chicken noodle soup, just in case! oKeep hand sanitizer in your car, purse or briefcase for a quick sanitizing while on the run.
They are very inexpensive, so ensure that each member of your family has one.
oLast but not least, as important as work is - and the hundred and one things we have to do - we should all stay home if we are having flu-like symptoms.
With the right precautions, we can all weather this storm.
Wishing you good health!
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