Health & Medical Pain Diseases

What You Need To Know About EMG Test

Just like other kinds of medical tests, EMG is done to detect any deformity or diseases.
EMG or electromyography is a test to evaluate and record the electrical activity made by skeletal muscles.
This is done with the use of an instrument "electromyography" producing a record "electromyogram".
The instrument used in this test identifies the electrical potential produced by muscle cells when these cells are neurologically or electrically activated.
The signals can be examined to find out medical abnormalities, activation level, and recruitment order to examine the biomechanics of an individual or animal movement.
There are two types of EMG in general use.
These are the surface EMG and intramuscular EMG (needle and fine-wire).
For intramuscular EMG, a needle with two fine-wire electrodes or a needed electrode is inserted on the skin of the muscle tissue.
Trained professionals are the ones that observe the electrical activity while inserting the electrode like physical therapists, neurologist, and physiatrists.
The inserting of the needle gives valuable information about the condition of the muscle and the innervating nerve of it.
Normal muscles at rest produce definite, normal electrical sounds when the needled is inserted into the muscles.
Then the electrical activity is studied when the muscle is at rest.
Abnormal spontaneous activity may mean some damage to nerve and/or muscle.
The process will continue until they get an accurate result.
The surface EMG is another kind of EMG test.
This may be utilized to monitor the general condition of muscle activation as opposed to the activity of only a few fibers as observed utilizing an intramuscular EMG.
This procedure is utilized in numerous setting like in physiotherapy clinic where muscle activation is observed utilizing surface EMG and patients have visual or auditory stimulus to aid then understand when they're activating the muscle.
These are the two types of EMG test that are commonly used in medical settings.
If you want to learn more about these two, it's best to search it on the internet.
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