It was a very cold and harsh spring evening back in 2003 when I and my boyfriend heard a knocking on our door. I opened and there he was: Dominic, a dear friend of us, shielding with his coat from the bad weather a grayish creature no bigger than a parsley root. He had seen it outside our house and thought our cat, Matrix Reloaded (who we had also taken from outside our gate just a week earlier), had escaped and couldn't get back.
Only that Matrix was safe and sound in my boyfriend's lap. 'Sorry for bothering,' Dominic said, 'but what to do now with this new one? He's sooooo little (he was!), and it's soooo cold outside' (it was!)
It was already a hard time for us, financially, but we simply couldn't find in our hearts to keep a small ball of fur and throw the other one back on the street, so. . . the second one stayed, too. And because she and Matrix felt in love from the very first day, we called her Trinity. :) (Not long after that we learned Trinity and Matrix were brothers.)
Trinity is also a living-walking watch. About half an hour before every meal time (two times a day), she makes her 'visible' in our eyes, taking positions ostentatiously in front of us and looking directly to our faces, as if saying 'Guys, why aren't you up and preparing our food already?'
Only that Matrix was safe and sound in my boyfriend's lap. 'Sorry for bothering,' Dominic said, 'but what to do now with this new one? He's sooooo little (he was!), and it's soooo cold outside' (it was!)
It was already a hard time for us, financially, but we simply couldn't find in our hearts to keep a small ball of fur and throw the other one back on the street, so. . . the second one stayed, too. And because she and Matrix felt in love from the very first day, we called her Trinity. :) (Not long after that we learned Trinity and Matrix were brothers.)
Trinity is also a living-walking watch. About half an hour before every meal time (two times a day), she makes her 'visible' in our eyes, taking positions ostentatiously in front of us and looking directly to our faces, as if saying 'Guys, why aren't you up and preparing our food already?'