Humans often associate cleanliness to a healthy life.
The same should go for our pets.
Compared to their wild cousins, our pets are subject to daily struggles analogous to human existence.
That is, while wild animals keep themselves healthy by traveling across rough terrains for exercise and consistently adapt to a changing environment, our pets are limited to, perhaps our backyard or the neighborhood - a relatively mild but more polluted environment than the wild.
Proper grooming can keep our pets free from diseases while preventing them from spreading pathogens to us.
Bathing our pets once a week may prove to be sufficient.
However, for our more furry friends, a bath several times a week may be more appropriate.
A bath should mean scrubbing your pet all over with a soft-bristled brush.
The most important areas are behind the ears, the neck and the area under their paws.
Use a shampoo or soap specially designed for your pets.
An anti-tick shampoo for dogs/cats should remove possible tick and flea infestation, or prevent the onset of one.
Pets, especially dogs, get choked easily.
Be careful not to get water in their noses.
Try using a washcloth, instead, when going about his head.
Dry your pet with a towel almost immediately.
Small pets are vulnerable to cold.
Bath time is also a good time to examine your pet carefully for skin infections, irritations or other health concerns.
Some pets may get skittish during a bath and some may avoid one like a plague.
Try associating the tub (or any bathing area) with pleasant things by giving him treats and gentle coaxing.
It may be a challenge for you at first but given time, your pet will adjust and find bathing to be pleasurable.
If bathing still proves to be a challenge, set an appointment with your nearest Pet Bathing Center.
Watch how they do it at first and if it already seems easy for you, take the initiative to do it at home.
Pets with long hair are prone to tangles, mats and snarls.
This will make their fur look unruly.
Regular combing, especially after a bath, may help prevent these problems.
A pet comb is widely available in pet stores.
An ideal choice for a comb for your dog is a stainless steel comb with teeth (fine, medium, coarse) that are appropriate for your pet's coat density and length.
Always gently comb from front to back.
It helps if you are talking with your dog in a soothing manner.
Pick at a mat gently from the tip and work on it gently and slowly until it can be easily combed out.
Just as a regular bath, trimming our pet's nails can help in more ways than just preventing them from digging their claws in that expensive couch.
Cutting keeps our pet from pain caused when the nails grow too long.
Nails curl when they grow too long and they bend under.
This will cause so much pain if it starts digging under our pet's paws.
Infections can also occur when a dog's nail when it breaks.
A dog, licking your face can provide emotional comfort that not even your best psychologist could surpass.
But it's a whole new different story if along with that lick comes a smell that reminds you of that rotten egg you threw along your degradable trash.
Regular brushing would help you keep your pet's breath at a tolerable level.
Keeping our pets groomed can be a tasking activity but will be rewarded when your pet throws you that satisfied look.
The same should go for our pets.
Compared to their wild cousins, our pets are subject to daily struggles analogous to human existence.
That is, while wild animals keep themselves healthy by traveling across rough terrains for exercise and consistently adapt to a changing environment, our pets are limited to, perhaps our backyard or the neighborhood - a relatively mild but more polluted environment than the wild.
Proper grooming can keep our pets free from diseases while preventing them from spreading pathogens to us.
Bathing our pets once a week may prove to be sufficient.
However, for our more furry friends, a bath several times a week may be more appropriate.
A bath should mean scrubbing your pet all over with a soft-bristled brush.
The most important areas are behind the ears, the neck and the area under their paws.
Use a shampoo or soap specially designed for your pets.
An anti-tick shampoo for dogs/cats should remove possible tick and flea infestation, or prevent the onset of one.
Pets, especially dogs, get choked easily.
Be careful not to get water in their noses.
Try using a washcloth, instead, when going about his head.
Dry your pet with a towel almost immediately.
Small pets are vulnerable to cold.
Bath time is also a good time to examine your pet carefully for skin infections, irritations or other health concerns.
Some pets may get skittish during a bath and some may avoid one like a plague.
Try associating the tub (or any bathing area) with pleasant things by giving him treats and gentle coaxing.
It may be a challenge for you at first but given time, your pet will adjust and find bathing to be pleasurable.
If bathing still proves to be a challenge, set an appointment with your nearest Pet Bathing Center.
Watch how they do it at first and if it already seems easy for you, take the initiative to do it at home.
Pets with long hair are prone to tangles, mats and snarls.
This will make their fur look unruly.
Regular combing, especially after a bath, may help prevent these problems.
A pet comb is widely available in pet stores.
An ideal choice for a comb for your dog is a stainless steel comb with teeth (fine, medium, coarse) that are appropriate for your pet's coat density and length.
Always gently comb from front to back.
It helps if you are talking with your dog in a soothing manner.
Pick at a mat gently from the tip and work on it gently and slowly until it can be easily combed out.
Just as a regular bath, trimming our pet's nails can help in more ways than just preventing them from digging their claws in that expensive couch.
Cutting keeps our pet from pain caused when the nails grow too long.
Nails curl when they grow too long and they bend under.
This will cause so much pain if it starts digging under our pet's paws.
Infections can also occur when a dog's nail when it breaks.
A dog, licking your face can provide emotional comfort that not even your best psychologist could surpass.
But it's a whole new different story if along with that lick comes a smell that reminds you of that rotten egg you threw along your degradable trash.
Regular brushing would help you keep your pet's breath at a tolerable level.
Keeping our pets groomed can be a tasking activity but will be rewarded when your pet throws you that satisfied look.