Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

The Role Of Omega 3 And Eczema

The essential fatty acids that are found in fish oils have become main stage in the treatment of eczema, as there is an ever growing connection between omega 3 and eczema.
In fact, not only are fish oils containing omega-3 popular for only helping in heart health, they are also recommended for such skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.
Many research scientists and medical professionals are now under the belief that it is from a deficiency in these essential fatty acids that are contributing to omega 3 and eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases.
Omega 3 and eczema, psoriasis and other skin disorders have been conclusively connected in many studies that have been done throughout the world.
The deficiency in omega 3 and other essential fatty acids is thought to be caused by the over processing and steroid induced foods that are typically consumed in today's society.
When our foods are over processed they lose much of their original nutrition content and this directly correlates with the deficiencies found in today's society and the connection between omega 3 and eczema.
Omega 3 and Eczema Facts There are a few factors that play a role in the connection between omega 3 and eczema such as the fact that our bodies are incapable of creating omega 3 and the essential fatty acids that our bodies require.
For that fact is the very reason that we have to introduce these fatty acids through our diets and unfortunately most of our foods are completely saturated with the fatty acids that are not healthy for us.
It is believed that over 100 million people in the United States alone suffer from eczema an overwhelming 25 million more suffer from psoriasis and another 5 million more suffer from some form of allergic skin reaction from unknown sources.
That is an astonishing number of people that clearly suffer from a deficiency in omega 3 essential fatty acids.
In order to maintain healthy skin it is imperative to recognize the importance of omega 3 and eczema because once you see the connection, you can typically begin to reverse it.
In order to correct and stabilize the deficiency of omega 3 and eczema skin problems, it is recommended that you consume a healthy balance of omega 3 and omega 6 and as a generality, today's society consumes on average 20:1 ratio.
That means that we are consuming 20 parts of unhealthy fats to one part of essential fatty acids.
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